I've been trying to nail down the difference between 規定 and 規則. Three different dictionaries I checked define these both as some combination of "rule", "regulation", or "provision." After checking a few example sentences, I'm starting to get a feel for the differences, but I'm having trouble quantifying them.
The example sentences for 規定 all seem to refer to some sort of stronger or more official rule/ruling, such as:
小麦の輸入禁止が法律で規定された。 A wheat import ban was enacted.
医者は彼女に厳しい規定食を勧めた。 The doctor ordered her to go on a strict diet.
Whereas 規則 seems to to a less-specific rule:
君は規則を破った。 You broke the rule.
彼らは規則を知らない。 They are ignorant of the rules.
Am I on the right track? Is there a better way to think about the differences of these words? Finally, are they both even in common usage?