In a shop I want to ask "Are there any books by Haruki Murakami?" I don't know the natural way to express by in this context.

I thought maybe I could use the passive form like this:


But having to explicitly use the verb 書く seems unnecessary. I assume that


is just incorrect grammar.

I thought maybe


might be correct, but a google search for 村上作が returned no results. What is the natural way to ask this question?


2 Answers 2


We say usually 村上春樹の本はありますか?. "written by" is translated as "によって書かれた and ~著作の" but we usually omit them.


To less frequently than 村上春樹の本はありますか?, we say 村上春樹のありますか? or 村上春樹が書いたの(置いて)ありますか?

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