What does "ねーし" mean? For example: 笑ってねーし!

1 Answer 1


~ねーし <> ~ねえし <> ~ないし

笑ってねーし would be a colloquial way of saying "I didn't laugh!" A more standard way of saying it would be 笑ってないし。

The elongation(ー) after ね means to elongate the sound of the previous letter (hence ねえ above). The ねー is the colloquial form of ない。 The し is another (normally colloquial) letter usually used to list things. In this instance however, its use is at the end of a rebuttal to an inquisition or accusation.

A: 何{なん}でトムとメールしないの?

A: Why haven't you emailed Tom?

B: だって彼{かれ}のメールアドレス知{し}らないし!

B: Because, I don't know his email address!

Similar colloquial words can be found in this similar question here.

  • 形容動詞・名詞なら「~だし」(eg きれいだし, 鉛筆だし)、形容詞・動詞・形容詞型助動詞(ない、たい)なら「~し」(eg 大きいし, 食べるし, 食べないし) になると思います・・・たぶん。
    – chocolate
    Commented Nov 18, 2015 at 7:04
  • @choco なるほど!んじゃ、「its use is identical to だし」って書き直したほうがいいよね? Commented Nov 18, 2015 at 7:18

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