There are many ways 「という」 works, but in this type of sentence, I think you can voice it as the word that
Although you understand the meaning of the sentence correctly, your literal translation leads me to suspect you are parsing it incorrectly. (I'm sorry if that's not the case.)
X からといって Y ということにはならない
This is a frequently used construct in the form 「X からといって Y ということにはならない」. Remember that ことになる
here can be voiced as make it fact
. So ことにならない
is doesn't make it fact
. And notice that the といって
is also a form of という
X ←[ から(because) ][ といって(that) ] Y←[ という(that) ][ ことにはならない(doesn't make it fact) ]
Reorder the words, and you get “Because that X, doesn't make it fact that Y”. (= Just because X is true, doesn't mean that Y is true)
Now, take the translations of 「他人が悪い事をしている (Other people are doing bad things)」「自分もそうしてよい (It is fine for one to do so also)」, and insert them in as the X and Y. This procedure will work for other sentences in this format (e.g. 「自分ができないからといって、あきらめていいということにはならない」「値段{ねだん}が高いからといって、おいしいということにはならない」).
Similar uses of という
Maybe visualize it as a pointer:
- 王子が結婚した という(→) ニュース (news ← that is "the prince married")
- 彼が生きている という(→) うわさ (rumor ← that is "he is alive")
- コーヒーが飲みたい という(→) 気持ち (feeling ← that is "wanting to drink coffee")
- iPhone 6 という(→) スマートフォン (smartphone ← that is "iPhone 6")
- 女性が多い という(→) 情報 (information ← that is "there are many women")
Using this pointer image, maybe you can also visualize 「これは X という (This is called X)」 reordered, as:
X という(→) これ (this ← that is "X")
Hope that helps in some way.