I have been getting confused with these two ways of creating nouns and been wondering if there's any differences between them.
For instance, are the following sentences correct or not?
- 映画を見に行った。
- 映画を見るのに行った。
- 映画を見が好きだ。
- 映画を見るのが好きだ。
Don't try to freely create nouns from 連用形. There are many nouns that look the same as the 連用形 of the corresponding verbs, but such nouns were lexicalized long ago, and they often have different meanings derived from the original verb. You have to look up a dictionary each time.
見【み】 as a noun is found in certain fixed words such as 花見【はなみ】 (cherry watching) or 月見【つきみ】 (moon watching), but 見 itself is not a noun which means 'watching' in general. (e.g. you can't say 映画見 or 映画を見). 言い, 聞き, 食べ and so on do not work as standalone nouns, either.
Therefore 「映画を見るのが好きだ」 is correct, but 「映画を見が好きだ」 is ungrammatical. 「映画を見るのに行った」 is highly unnatural or probably ungrammatical, too.
, the subject is映画を見
and it's好きだ
which means "I like to see a movie". I don't know whether my idea is correct or not.映画を見が好きだ。
is not correct. I think because the nominalization 見 can't take objects any longer (because it's not a verb). を implies that 映画 is somehow the object of 見, but 見 is a noun. Grammatically correct would be 映画見が好きだ, but then nobody says that =)映画を見に行った
should be incorrect too. However, it isn't.Is it not a noun at all but I misunderstood it?