In my understanding, the particle の can be used to concatenate two nouns, such as
- 私の本
- アメリカの選手
Today, I found
- 先生へのプレゼント
- 私達からのプレゼント
Why can の be preceded by へ and から (or maybe other particles) when concatenating two nouns?
In my understanding, the particle の can be used to concatenate two nouns, such as
Today, I found
Why can の be preceded by へ and から (or maybe other particles) when concatenating two nouns?
The function of の is still more or less the same. It's connecting two nouns, but with a different relationship given by the preceding particle.
先生へのプレゼント - a present to the teacher
私達からのプレゼント - a present from us
東京への道 - a path to Tokyo
Without の, you wouldn't be able to connect the nouns grammatically (at least without being wordy), and without the other particle you lose the specific relationship. The first sentence, for example, would mean "teacher's present", not "present to teacher".
It isn't just へ and から that can be combined with の. Most other particles can too, in the usual form "particle + の".
女性との会話 - conversation with a girl
学校での事故 - incident at school
However, が, を, and に do not follow the same pattern as the others. が and を are removed entirely, and に is replaced by へ.
すしを作る → すしの作り方
私が使う → 私の使い方
東京に行く → 東京への行き方
の is not the only particle which can be compounded. You've already seen this with は and も, which follow the same pattern as の: particle + は/も, except が and を which are dropped. (に stays the same with these, though.)
東京に行く → 東京にも行く
私がすしを作る → 私はすしを作る