Outside of Australia and New Zealand, am I likely to be understood by Japanese speakers if I use キーウィ to mean New Zealanders?

Based on what weblio and Wiktionary say, I suspect not, but I want to check as sometimes dictionaries don't mention slang terms.

1 Answer 1


I would have to say no.

「キーウィ」 refers only to the kiwifruit to at least 99% of Japanese-speakers -- perhaps even more.

Those who have lived in New Zealand or Australia might refer to a New Zealander as 「キーウィ」 among themselves, but that kind of private usage still would not count as an established meaning of the word within the Japanese language.

  • Except that 'kiwi fruits' are usually called キウイフルーツ - see Wikipedia ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/… Jun 6, 2015 at 6:59
  • I don't think most Japanese in everyday speech will bother with the "フルーツ" part there. Oct 7, 2017 at 23:42

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