Where do you place the counter in Japanese when you want to specify how many of something there are, especially if you're listing multiple things?
I believe the counter usually goes after the particle associated with the noun:
I bought 3 pencils => 私は鉛筆{えんぴつ}を三本{さんぼん}買{か}いました。
But what do you do when there are multiple things you want to count? Are these sentences correct?
I bought two books and three pencils. => 私は本{ほん}を二冊{にさつ}と鉛筆{えんぴつ}を三本{さんぼん}買{か}いました。 ?
Two books and three pencils are on the desk. => 本{ほん}が二冊{にさつ}と鉛筆{えんぴつ}が三本{さんぼん}机{つくえ}の上{うえ}にあります。
Can you use the の particle to mean the same thing? Would it change the meaning or nuance?
私は二冊{にさつ}の本{ほん}と三本{さんぼん}の鉛筆{えんぴつ}を買{か}いました。 ?