I have the following sentence:


I don't think the と in the first part of the sentence serves as a conditional, but I can't figure out what it is used for. The English translation doesn't help:

There has been an issue with former Johnny's Office talents saying they were sexually victimised by Mr Janie Kitagawa, who died in 2019, when they were young.


1 Answer 1


The と is quotative. 「~~と[人]が言う」(「[人]が~~と言う」) means "[person] says (that) ~~."

From this post:

The 「と」 in 「~~と言った」 must certainly be quotative, right? It is if it directly precedes 「言う」.

When you see or think you are seeing a quotative 「と」 , try putting in imaginary quotation marks the part of the sentence that looks like it is being quoted.

So you have:


The English translation looks good to me.

... former Johnny's Office talents saying "We were sexually victimised by Mr Janie Kitagawa, who died in 2019, when we were young."
↓ ↓
... former Johnny's Office talents saying they were sexually victimised by Mr Janie Kitagawa, who died in 2019, when they were young.

  • Thanks! That's the first time I see と and 言って being separated like this.
    – Kapol
    Commented Sep 9, 2023 at 21:23

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