When I am paying for my goods at a supermarket or konbini, the cashier always asks me that question. On dictionaries, the meaning of 宜しい is "fine / good" and it made me confused, "What is good about the point card?"

Then I assumed that they actually asked me if I have a point card. I knew that I can just say はい and show the cashier my point card if I have one. Well, I do not own one so I usually respond 「カードがない 。」 but the cashier often seems confused after hearing my answer.

  • I'd interpret it as something like "Everything is OK regarding your point card?"
    – wip
    Commented Apr 14, 2018 at 3:26
  • 1
    @will Yes, it turns out that your interpretation is true.
    – mawgumelar
    Commented Apr 14, 2018 at 11:47

2 Answers 2


Japanese よい/いい/よろしい sometimes means "... is not necessary" or "fine without ..."

  • コーヒーはいいです。 (Thank you but) I don't want coffee.
  • いや、いいです。 No thanks. / I don't need it. (e.g., to a salesperson)
  • その話はもういい。 That's enough!
  • 言い訳はよろしい。 Don't make excuses.

Therefore, "ポイントカードよろしいですか?" means something like "You don't want to use a point card, right?" or "Are you okay without a point card?" I believe the cashier said は, not が. ポイントカードよろしいですか would mean "Do you rather prefer a point card (over something else)?"

When you respond to it, はい or いいです means "I'm fine without it" or "I won't use one". (If はい worked in your case, I think the cashier guessed your intention from your gesture rather than your words.) If you want to use a point card, you can say いや, あります or 使います.

カードない is indeed very confusing because it sounds like "My card is missing!", i.e., you want to use a point card but just noticed you have lost it. Read this question for the reason. カードない at least works, although blunt.

  • Ahh I see.. I have made silly mistakes then, lol. About は or が thing, I am not sure. But I think you are right: the cashier says は. Thanks for the amazing answer!
    – mawgumelar
    Commented Apr 14, 2018 at 11:42
  • How do I respond if I do have a card? 「良くないです」?
    – Sweeper
    Commented Apr 15, 2018 at 14:27
  • 2
    @Sweeper 良くないです/宜しくないです ("I am not fine") actually works, but it sounds a bit accusatory/sarcastic. People usually say 使います or あります, as I said in my answer.
    – naruto
    Commented Apr 15, 2018 at 15:07

I agree with naruto. You can just say はい, いいです or 結構です. All of these mean "I don't need that."

Well, I do not own one so I usually respond 「カードがない 。」 but the cashier often seems confused after hearing my answer.

I guess that's because カードがない is ambiguous and I imagine the cashier thought "did he lose his card? Or he left it in his home? Or he simply doesn't own one?" A cashier is a routine work so it's no wonder they are used to はい, いいです, 結構です but カードがない. You are not wrong.

  • 3
    Yeah.. Today I used はい、いいです and the cashier was not confused anymore, lol. Thanks!
    – mawgumelar
    Commented Apr 14, 2018 at 11:46

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