Konnichiwa, duringDuring my dictionary search of the word "資本主義" I have found this definition :
The thing is that I do understand the whole meaning ,however however I'm pretty stuck concerning "商品経済の広範な発達を前提に" .
Does "商品経済の広範な発達" mean "it's a wide development" (as in a big development of one area)
Or "it's a wide development" (as in a development that covers a big area)
1)IsAnd also, does the "商品経済の広範な発達" means "it's wide developpment前提" (asmean a precondition to realize what is written in the whole sentence or a big developpment of one area)
2)Or "it's wide developpment"postcondition (as in a developpment that coversmeaning as a big arearesult of hiring people and pursuing profit etc...)
- And also does the "前提" mean a precondition to realize what is written in the whole sentence or postcondition (meaning as a result of hiring people and pursuing profit etc...)
Arigatou !