means "During summer vacation I had nothing to do, and/so..."
「やること」 → "things to do" "something to do"
「やることがない」 → "have nothing do to" (≂ 「ヒマだ」 in your context)
「話すこと」 → "things to talk about"
「話すことがない」 → "have nothing to talk about"
「書くこと」 → "things to write about"
「書くことがない」 → "have nothing to write about"
「見るもの」 → "things to see"
「見るものがない」 → "there's nothing to see"
The continuative form (連用形) なく is used here to connect two clauses, like a conjunction "and" or so"so".
As for the も replacing the が, it's used to indicate...
も 🈩〘副助*〙
⓬ さりげなくとりたてて、文意をやわらげる。
-- from 明鏡国語辞典 (*明鏡 categorizes 係助詞/binding particle as 副助詞/adverbial particle)