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Recently, @naruto@naruto mentioned the phrase 頭が赤い魚を食べた猫, which can be understood in many ways. There is some ambiguity in how each word relates to each other.

Among other possibilities, it could mean

  • [(頭が赤い)魚]を食べた猫 (red-headed fish)
  • [(頭が赤い)+(魚を食べた)]猫 (red-headed cat)

The same applies here. Consider the following pattern:


As far as logic and grammar is concerned, this can be interpreted as either one of these possibilities:

  1. (AとBとC)のD
  2. (AとB)と(CのD)
  3. Aと[(BとC)のD]

Note that A, B, C, and D can be nouns or noun phrases. If the latter, it could get even more confusing, so I won't consider this case.

Usually context resolves the ambiguity and makes it obvious. For the example you gave, that would be possibility (3): the difference between certain kinds of vegetables.

To illustrate the point, let me give some examples for each possibility.

(《》 markers added by me for clarity)


  • 《せりとレタスとキャベツ》の違い
  • 《ブランデーと梅酒と柑橘【かんきつ】ジャム》の大人[珈琲]【コーヒー】
  • garden COLORING BOOK 《小鳥と花と動物》のぬり絵
  • 《君と彼女と彼女》の恋


  • 勇者と少女と《変化の指輪》
  • 「使命」と「運命」と「人生の意味」
  • 僕と君と《夜空の星》
  • 星杯騎士団【グラールリッター】と七耀教会【しちようきょうかい】と《黒【くろ】の史書【ししょ】》
  • コナンと平次【へいじ】と《恋の暗号》


Note the first sentence.

  • [ポスドク]【postdoctor(al)】問題と《アメリカと日本の違い》
  • 下妻物語【しもつまものがたり】と《ウルルと森の物語》
  • 竹取物語【たけとりものがたり】と《伊邪那岐命【いざなぎのみこと】の伊邪那美命【いざなみのみこと】の物語》
  • 《伊邪那岐命【イザナギノミコト】と伊邪那美命【イザナミノミコト】の夫婦神》と《伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命の争いを仲裁した菊理媛大神【ククリヒメノオオカミ】》が祀られている
  • 和風レシピと《梅酒と梅干しの作り方》

I had a hard time coming up with examples for case ③, but it's definitely possible.

To summarize, only context and common sense can tell you what の applies to, it depends on what the nouns or noun phrases A, B, C, and D are.

Lastly, if you really wanted to leave no ambiguity, you could resort to a lengthy phrase that says it explicitly, such as せりとレタスとキャベツという3つの(野菜・植物)の違い.

Recently, @naruto mentioned the phrase 頭が赤い魚を食べた猫, which can be understood in many ways. There is some ambiguity in how each word relates to each other.

Among other possibilities, it could mean

  • [(頭が赤い)魚]を食べた猫 (red-headed fish)
  • [(頭が赤い)+(魚を食べた)]猫 (red-headed cat)

The same applies here. Consider the following pattern:


As far as logic and grammar is concerned, this can be interpreted as either one of these possibilities:

  1. (AとBとC)のD
  2. (AとB)と(CのD)
  3. Aと[(BとC)のD]

Note that A, B, C, and D can be nouns or noun phrases. If the latter, it could get even more confusing, so I won't consider this case.

Usually context resolves the ambiguity and makes it obvious. For the example you gave, that would be possibility (3): the difference between certain kinds of vegetables.

To illustrate the point, let me give some examples for each possibility.

(《》 markers added by me for clarity)


  • 《せりとレタスとキャベツ》の違い
  • 《ブランデーと梅酒と柑橘【かんきつ】ジャム》の大人[珈琲]【コーヒー】
  • garden COLORING BOOK 《小鳥と花と動物》のぬり絵
  • 《君と彼女と彼女》の恋


  • 勇者と少女と《変化の指輪》
  • 「使命」と「運命」と「人生の意味」
  • 僕と君と《夜空の星》
  • 星杯騎士団【グラールリッター】と七耀教会【しちようきょうかい】と《黒【くろ】の史書【ししょ】》
  • コナンと平次【へいじ】と《恋の暗号》


Note the first sentence.

  • [ポスドク]【postdoctor(al)】問題と《アメリカと日本の違い》
  • 下妻物語【しもつまものがたり】と《ウルルと森の物語》
  • 竹取物語【たけとりものがたり】と《伊邪那岐命【いざなぎのみこと】の伊邪那美命【いざなみのみこと】の物語》
  • 《伊邪那岐命【イザナギノミコト】と伊邪那美命【イザナミノミコト】の夫婦神》と《伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命の争いを仲裁した菊理媛大神【ククリヒメノオオカミ】》が祀られている
  • 和風レシピと《梅酒と梅干しの作り方》

I had a hard time coming up with examples for case ③, but it's definitely possible.

To summarize, only context and common sense can tell you what の applies to, it depends on what the nouns or noun phrases A, B, C, and D are.

Lastly, if you really wanted to leave no ambiguity, you could resort to a lengthy phrase that says it explicitly, such as せりとレタスとキャベツという3つの(野菜・植物)の違い.

Recently, @naruto mentioned the phrase 頭が赤い魚を食べた猫, which can be understood in many ways. There is some ambiguity in how each word relates to each other.

Among other possibilities, it could mean

  • [(頭が赤い)魚]を食べた猫 (red-headed fish)
  • [(頭が赤い)+(魚を食べた)]猫 (red-headed cat)

The same applies here. Consider the following pattern:


As far as logic and grammar is concerned, this can be interpreted as either one of these possibilities:

  1. (AとBとC)のD
  2. (AとB)と(CのD)
  3. Aと[(BとC)のD]

Note that A, B, C, and D can be nouns or noun phrases. If the latter, it could get even more confusing, so I won't consider this case.

Usually context resolves the ambiguity and makes it obvious. For the example you gave, that would be possibility (3): the difference between certain kinds of vegetables.

To illustrate the point, let me give some examples for each possibility.

(《》 markers added by me for clarity)


  • 《せりとレタスとキャベツ》の違い
  • 《ブランデーと梅酒と柑橘【かんきつ】ジャム》の大人[珈琲]【コーヒー】
  • garden COLORING BOOK 《小鳥と花と動物》のぬり絵
  • 《君と彼女と彼女》の恋


  • 勇者と少女と《変化の指輪》
  • 「使命」と「運命」と「人生の意味」
  • 僕と君と《夜空の星》
  • 星杯騎士団【グラールリッター】と七耀教会【しちようきょうかい】と《黒【くろ】の史書【ししょ】》
  • コナンと平次【へいじ】と《恋の暗号》


Note the first sentence.

  • [ポスドク]【postdoctor(al)】問題と《アメリカと日本の違い》
  • 下妻物語【しもつまものがたり】と《ウルルと森の物語》
  • 竹取物語【たけとりものがたり】と《伊邪那岐命【いざなぎのみこと】の伊邪那美命【いざなみのみこと】の物語》
  • 《伊邪那岐命【イザナギノミコト】と伊邪那美命【イザナミノミコト】の夫婦神》と《伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命の争いを仲裁した菊理媛大神【ククリヒメノオオカミ】》が祀られている
  • 和風レシピと《梅酒と梅干しの作り方》

I had a hard time coming up with examples for case ③, but it's definitely possible.

To summarize, only context and common sense can tell you what の applies to, it depends on what the nouns or noun phrases A, B, C, and D are.

Lastly, if you really wanted to leave no ambiguity, you could resort to a lengthy phrase that says it explicitly, such as せりとレタスとキャベツという3つの(野菜・植物)の違い.

removed bad example, fixed furigana
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Recently, @naruto mentioned the phrase 頭が赤い魚を食べた猫, which can be understood in many ways. There is some ambiguity in how each word relates to each other.

Among other possibilities, it could mean

  • [(頭が赤い)魚]を食べた猫 (red-headed fish)
  • [(頭が赤い)+(魚を食べた)]猫 (red-headed cat)

The same applies here. Consider the following pattern:


As far as logic and grammar is concerned, this can be interpreted as either one of these possibilities:

  1. (AとBとC)のD
  2. (AとB)と(CのD)
  3. Aと[(BとC)のD]

Note that A, B, C, and D can be nouns or noun phrases. If the latter, it could get even more confusing, so I won't consider this case.

Usually context resolves the ambiguity and makes it obvious. For the example you gave, that would be possibility (3): the difference between certain kinds of vegetables.

To illustrate the point, let me give some examples for each possibility.

(《》 markers added by me for clarity)


  • 《せりとレタスとキャベツ》の違い
  • 《ブランデーと梅酒と柑橘【かんきつ】ジャム》の大人[珈琲]【コーヒー】
  • garden COLORING BOOK 《小鳥と花と動物》のぬり絵
  • 《君と彼女と彼女》の恋


  • 勇者と少女と《変化の指輪》
  • 「使命」と「運命」と「人生の意味」
  • 僕と君と《夜空の星》
  • 星杯騎士団【グラールリッター】と七耀教会【しちようきょうかい】と《黒【くろ】の史書【ししょ】》
  • コナンと平次【へいじ】と《恋の暗号》


Note the first sentence.

  • [ポスドク]【postdoctor(al)】問題と《アメリカと日本の違い》
  • 下妻物語【しもつまものがたり】と《ウルルと森の物語》
  • 竹取物語【たけとりものがたり】と《伊邪那岐命【いざなぎのみことの伊邪那美命《いざ【いざなみのみこと】の物語》
  • 《伊邪那岐命【イザナギノミコト】と伊邪那美命【イザナミノミコト】の夫婦神》と《伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命の争いを仲裁した菊理媛大神【ククリヒメノオオカミ】》が祀られている
  • 和風レシピと《梅酒と梅干しの作り方》
  • だが、忘れてはならない。それは、数多のアークスの流した無念の涙と、血と汗の結晶、即ちリアルマネーの投入という犠牲のもとに成り立っているのだということを。

I had a hard time coming up with examples for case ③, but it's definitely possible.

To summarize, only context and common sense can tell you what の applies to, it depends on what the nouns or noun phrases A, B, C, and D are.

Lastly, if you really wanted to leave no ambiguity, you could resort to a lengthy phrase that says it explicitly, such as せりとレタスとキャベツという3つの(野菜・植物)の違い.

Recently, @naruto mentioned the phrase 頭が赤い魚を食べた猫, which can be understood in many ways. There is some ambiguity in how each word relates to each other.

Among other possibilities, it could mean

  • [(頭が赤い)魚]を食べた猫 (red-headed fish)
  • [(頭が赤い)+(魚を食べた)]猫 (red-headed cat)

The same applies here. Consider the following pattern:


As far as logic and grammar is concerned, this can be interpreted as either one of these possibilities:

  1. (AとBとC)のD
  2. (AとB)と(CのD)
  3. Aと[(BとC)のD]

Note that A, B, C, and D can be nouns or noun phrases. If the latter, it could get even more confusing, so I won't consider this case.

Usually context resolves the ambiguity and makes it obvious. For the example you gave, that would be possibility (3): the difference between certain kinds of vegetables.

To illustrate the point, let me give some examples for each possibility.

(《》 markers added by me for clarity)


  • 《せりとレタスとキャベツ》の違い
  • 《ブランデーと梅酒と柑橘【かんきつ】ジャム》の大人[珈琲]【コーヒー】
  • garden COLORING BOOK 《小鳥と花と動物》のぬり絵
  • 《君と彼女と彼女》の恋


  • 勇者と少女と《変化の指輪》
  • 「使命」と「運命」と「人生の意味」
  • 僕と君と《夜空の星》
  • 星杯騎士団【グラールリッター】と七耀教会【しちようきょうかい】と《黒【くろ】の史書【ししょ】》
  • コナンと平次【へいじ】と《恋の暗号》


Note the first sentence.

  • [ポスドク]【postdoctor(al)】問題と《アメリカと日本の違い》
  • 下妻物語【しもつまものがたり】と《ウルルと森の物語》
  • 竹取物語【たけとりものがたり】と《伊邪那岐命【いざなぎのみことの伊邪那美命《いざなみのみこと】の物語》
  • 《伊邪那岐命【イザナギノミコト】と伊邪那美命【イザナミノミコト】の夫婦神》と《伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命の争いを仲裁した菊理媛大神【ククリヒメノオオカミ】》が祀られている
  • 和風レシピと《梅酒と梅干しの作り方》
  • だが、忘れてはならない。それは、数多のアークスの流した無念の涙と、血と汗の結晶、即ちリアルマネーの投入という犠牲のもとに成り立っているのだということを。

I had a hard time coming up with examples for case ③, but it's definitely possible.

To summarize, only context and common sense can tell you what の applies to, it depends on what the nouns or noun phrases A, B, C, and D are.

Lastly, if you really wanted to leave no ambiguity, you could resort to a lengthy phrase that says it explicitly, such as せりとレタスとキャベツという3つの(野菜・植物)の違い.

Recently, @naruto mentioned the phrase 頭が赤い魚を食べた猫, which can be understood in many ways. There is some ambiguity in how each word relates to each other.

Among other possibilities, it could mean

  • [(頭が赤い)魚]を食べた猫 (red-headed fish)
  • [(頭が赤い)+(魚を食べた)]猫 (red-headed cat)

The same applies here. Consider the following pattern:


As far as logic and grammar is concerned, this can be interpreted as either one of these possibilities:

  1. (AとBとC)のD
  2. (AとB)と(CのD)
  3. Aと[(BとC)のD]

Note that A, B, C, and D can be nouns or noun phrases. If the latter, it could get even more confusing, so I won't consider this case.

Usually context resolves the ambiguity and makes it obvious. For the example you gave, that would be possibility (3): the difference between certain kinds of vegetables.

To illustrate the point, let me give some examples for each possibility.

(《》 markers added by me for clarity)


  • 《せりとレタスとキャベツ》の違い
  • 《ブランデーと梅酒と柑橘【かんきつ】ジャム》の大人[珈琲]【コーヒー】
  • garden COLORING BOOK 《小鳥と花と動物》のぬり絵
  • 《君と彼女と彼女》の恋


  • 勇者と少女と《変化の指輪》
  • 「使命」と「運命」と「人生の意味」
  • 僕と君と《夜空の星》
  • 星杯騎士団【グラールリッター】と七耀教会【しちようきょうかい】と《黒【くろ】の史書【ししょ】》
  • コナンと平次【へいじ】と《恋の暗号》


Note the first sentence.

  • [ポスドク]【postdoctor(al)】問題と《アメリカと日本の違い》
  • 下妻物語【しもつまものがたり】と《ウルルと森の物語》
  • 竹取物語【たけとりものがたり】と《伊邪那岐命【いざなぎのみことの伊邪那美命【いざなみのみこと】の物語》
  • 《伊邪那岐命【イザナギノミコト】と伊邪那美命【イザナミノミコト】の夫婦神》と《伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命の争いを仲裁した菊理媛大神【ククリヒメノオオカミ】》が祀られている
  • 和風レシピと《梅酒と梅干しの作り方》

I had a hard time coming up with examples for case ③, but it's definitely possible.

To summarize, only context and common sense can tell you what の applies to, it depends on what the nouns or noun phrases A, B, C, and D are.

Lastly, if you really wanted to leave no ambiguity, you could resort to a lengthy phrase that says it explicitly, such as せりとレタスとキャベツという3つの(野菜・植物)の違い.

added 151 characters in body; added 5 characters in body
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Recently, @naruto mentioned the phrase 頭が赤い魚を食べた猫, which can be understood in many ways. There is some ambiguity in how each word relates to each other.

Among other possibilities, it could mean

  • [(頭が赤い)魚]を食べた猫 (red-headed fish)
  • [(頭が赤い)+(魚を食べた)]猫 (red-headed cat)

The same applies here. Consider the following pattern:


As far as logic and grammar is concerned, this can be interpreted as either one of these possibilities:

  1. (AとBとC)のD
  2. (AとB)と(CのD)
  3. Aと[(BとC)のD]

Note that A, B, C, and D can be nouns or noun phrases. If the latter, it could get even more confusing, so I won't consider this case.

Usually context resolves the ambiguity and makes it obvious. For the example you gave, that would be possibility (3): the difference between certain kinds of vegetables.

To illustrate the point, let me give some examples for each possibility.

(《》 markers added by me for clarity)


  • 《せりとレタスとキャベツ》の違い
  • 《ブランデーと梅酒と柑橘【かんきつ】ジャム》の大人[珈琲]【コーヒー】
  • garden COLORING BOOK 《小鳥と花と動物》のぬり絵
  • 《君と彼女と彼女》の恋


  • 勇者と少女と《変化の指輪》
  • 「使命」と「運命」と「人生の意味」
  • 僕と君と《夜空の星》
  • 星杯騎士団【グラールリッター】と七耀教会【しちようきょうかい】と《黒【くろ】の史書【ししょ】》
  • コナンと平次【へいじ】と《恋の暗号》


Note the first sentence.

  • [ポスドク]【postdoctor(al)】問題と《アメリカと日本の違い》
  • 下妻物語【しもつまものがたり】と《ウルルと森の物語》
  • 竹取物語【たけとりものがたり】と《伊邪那岐命【いざなぎのみこと》の伊邪那美命《いざなみのみこと】の物語》
  • 《伊邪那岐命【イザナギノミコト】と伊邪那美命【イザナミノミコト】の夫婦神》と《伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命の争いを仲裁した菊理媛大神【ククリヒメノオオカミ】》が祀られている
  • 和風レシピと《梅酒と梅干しの作り方》
  • だが、忘れてはならない。それは、数多のアークスの流した無念の涙と、血と汗の結晶、即ちリアルマネーの投入という犠牲のもとに成り立っているのだということを。

I had a hard time coming up with examples for case ③, but it's definitely possible.

To summarize, only context and common sense can tell you what の applies to, it depends on what the nouns or noun phrases A, B, C, and D are.

Lastly, if you really wanted to leave no ambiguity, you could resort to a lengthy phrase that says it explicitly, such as せりとレタスとキャベツという3つの(野菜・植物)の違い.

Recently, @naruto mentioned the phrase 頭が赤い魚を食べた猫, which can be understood in many ways. There is some ambiguity in how each word relates to each other.

Among other possibilities, it could mean

  • [(頭が赤い)魚]を食べた猫 (red-headed fish)
  • [(頭が赤い)+(魚を食べた)]猫 (red-headed cat)

The same applies here. Consider the following pattern:


As far as logic and grammar is concerned, this can be interpreted as either one of these possibilities:

  1. (AとBとC)のD
  2. (AとB)と(CのD)
  3. Aと[(BとC)のD]

Note that A, B, C, and D can be nouns or noun phrases. If the latter, it could get even more confusing, so I won't consider this case.

Usually context resolves the ambiguity and makes it obvious. For the example you gave, that would be possibility (3): the difference between certain kinds of vegetables.

To illustrate the point, let me give some examples for each possibility.

(《》 markers added by me for clarity)


  • 《せりとレタスとキャベツ》の違い
  • 《ブランデーと梅酒と柑橘【かんきつ】ジャム》の大人[珈琲]【コーヒー】
  • garden COLORING BOOK 《小鳥と花と動物》のぬり絵
  • 《君と彼女と彼女》の恋


  • 勇者と少女と《変化の指輪》
  • 「使命」と「運命」と「人生の意味」
  • 僕と君と《夜空の星》
  • 星杯騎士団【グラールリッター】と七耀教会【しちようきょうかい】と《黒【くろ】の史書【ししょ】》
  • コナンと平次【へいじ】と《恋の暗号》


Note the first sentence.

  • [ポスドク]【postdoctor(al)】問題と《アメリカと日本の違い》
  • 下妻物語【しもつまものがたり】と《ウルルと森の物語》
  • 竹取物語【たけとりものがたり】と《伊邪那岐命【いざなぎのみこと》の伊邪那美命《いざなみのみこと】の物語》
  • 《伊邪那岐命【イザナギノミコト】と伊邪那美命【イザナミノミコト】の夫婦神》と《伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命の争いを仲裁した菊理媛大神【ククリヒメノオオカミ】》が祀られている
  • 和風レシピと《梅酒と梅干しの作り方》
  • だが、忘れてはならない。それは、数多のアークスの流した無念の涙と、血と汗の結晶、即ちリアルマネーの投入という犠牲のもとに成り立っているのだということを。

I had a hard time coming up with examples for case ③, but it's definitely possible.

To summarize, only context and common sense can tell you what の applies to, it depends on what the nouns or noun phrases A, B, C, and D are.

Recently, @naruto mentioned the phrase 頭が赤い魚を食べた猫, which can be understood in many ways. There is some ambiguity in how each word relates to each other.

Among other possibilities, it could mean

  • [(頭が赤い)魚]を食べた猫 (red-headed fish)
  • [(頭が赤い)+(魚を食べた)]猫 (red-headed cat)

The same applies here. Consider the following pattern:


As far as logic and grammar is concerned, this can be interpreted as either one of these possibilities:

  1. (AとBとC)のD
  2. (AとB)と(CのD)
  3. Aと[(BとC)のD]

Note that A, B, C, and D can be nouns or noun phrases. If the latter, it could get even more confusing, so I won't consider this case.

Usually context resolves the ambiguity and makes it obvious. For the example you gave, that would be possibility (3): the difference between certain kinds of vegetables.

To illustrate the point, let me give some examples for each possibility.

(《》 markers added by me for clarity)


  • 《せりとレタスとキャベツ》の違い
  • 《ブランデーと梅酒と柑橘【かんきつ】ジャム》の大人[珈琲]【コーヒー】
  • garden COLORING BOOK 《小鳥と花と動物》のぬり絵
  • 《君と彼女と彼女》の恋


  • 勇者と少女と《変化の指輪》
  • 「使命」と「運命」と「人生の意味」
  • 僕と君と《夜空の星》
  • 星杯騎士団【グラールリッター】と七耀教会【しちようきょうかい】と《黒【くろ】の史書【ししょ】》
  • コナンと平次【へいじ】と《恋の暗号》


Note the first sentence.

  • [ポスドク]【postdoctor(al)】問題と《アメリカと日本の違い》
  • 下妻物語【しもつまものがたり】と《ウルルと森の物語》
  • 竹取物語【たけとりものがたり】と《伊邪那岐命【いざなぎのみこと》の伊邪那美命《いざなみのみこと】の物語》
  • 《伊邪那岐命【イザナギノミコト】と伊邪那美命【イザナミノミコト】の夫婦神》と《伊邪那岐命と伊邪那美命の争いを仲裁した菊理媛大神【ククリヒメノオオカミ】》が祀られている
  • 和風レシピと《梅酒と梅干しの作り方》
  • だが、忘れてはならない。それは、数多のアークスの流した無念の涙と、血と汗の結晶、即ちリアルマネーの投入という犠牲のもとに成り立っているのだということを。

I had a hard time coming up with examples for case ③, but it's definitely possible.

To summarize, only context and common sense can tell you what の applies to, it depends on what the nouns or noun phrases A, B, C, and D are.

Lastly, if you really wanted to leave no ambiguity, you could resort to a lengthy phrase that says it explicitly, such as せりとレタスとキャベツという3つの(野菜・植物)の違い.

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