What is meant by a "carrot tail"?


Is it the green part or the orange part?
A google image search does not really help, since "carrot" comes up in every one, but no picture I have found has arrows with labels for the parts of a carrot :D


  • Try to google "人参の頭", which is the other part and you'll see clearly that the tail is the (other) part, buried deeper in the soil. I tried to google 人参の尻尾 but there are indeed no clear result that can help you understand.
    – N Gillain
    Feb 21, 2019 at 16:23

2 Answers 2


As @Yuuichi Tam says, this is the orange thin part of the root. You could also have deduced this by elimination: the green part would undoubtedly be 人参の葉っぱ (also in recipes).


It is the tip of the orange part, not leaves of carrot.

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