A: もう用がねぇなら帰るけど

B: 用がないわけじゃないけど 今日はなんかタイミングがよくない

A: じゃあ帰るから

I would like to know if kara is used commonly in Japanese to say also "in that case" (besides of "because"), or is it used as a softener or for another reason in this context?

Thank you so much in advance!


2 Answers 2


According to 明鏡国語辞典:

から 🈔〘接続助詞〙

The conjunctive particle から at the end of a sentence can express a feeling of 注意・警告・慰め (cautioning, warning, comforting/cheering up). Here in your context the から is not "because" or "so", but expresses soft/mild 注意 or 警告, adding a nuance of "~~, alright? / okay? / you see?" etc. It is daily used in real life as in 「じゃ、(もう)帰るから(ね)。」「じゃ、(もう)行くから(ね)。」 etc. to mean "Well/Okay, I'm going home / leaving now (, alright?)"


In this case, as you mentioned, から is a softener, for making the parting of ways not so harsh.

Without the から: a bit cold


Alright, I'm going home.

With the から: adds the sense of "if there's anything else you want to talk about, please bring it up now, because I plan to go home now."


Alright, I'm going home, so...(if there's anything else you want to talk about, please bring it up now, because I plan to go home now.)

EDIT (additional comment): Generally, the meaning of the "elliptical" から can vary depending on situation.

A different example from the one above:


I'm leaving! (...so don't talk to me, because I'm angry, frustrated, etc.)

  • Wouldn't またね be more suitable here, instead of また会いましょう? The rest of the conversation is pretty casual.
    – Sweeper
    Commented Apr 23, 2018 at 17:37
  • 2
    The whole elliptical bit is implied so it doesn't really matter which they used, but また会おう·会いましょう is probably better for conveying the sense that the speaker is opening to speaking with the listener again.
    – vel
    Commented Apr 23, 2018 at 19:43
  • Thank you so much, Otomatonium! Now I understand that から!
    – Rick
    Commented Apr 24, 2018 at 13:01

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