Purely speculating from the kanji, one could quite naturally think that 多分, being "many parts", could lean towards a likelihood greater than 50% that something will happen.

I always thought as 多分 being a quite neutral 50% "maybe", but I just randomly got to think of the above kanji-based possible interpretation and got curious to know if it is just my idea or there is some truth behind it.

  • 1
    I saw the other post was asking the difference among 最も、非常に、かなり、ずいぶん. I consider the degree in the order of 最も> 非常に >= ずいぶん >= かなり. This time the certainty in the order of 絶対 >= 必ず >= おそらく、きっと >= 多分。
    – user25382
    Sep 29, 2017 at 8:40
  • 1
    I always get the impression that when a person uses 多分ね it's probably wishful thinking. The mother of all evil is speculation.
    – Y12K
    Sep 29, 2017 at 8:47
  • 1
    – virmaior
    Sep 29, 2017 at 12:02
  • 1
    @kimiTanaka not sure I understand what you mean in your second comment. Are you saying that somehow there is a difference between using kana and kanji?
    – Tommy
    Oct 1, 2017 at 23:47
  • 1
    @Tommy Just in my opinion probably not everyone though, I feel 多分そうだろう is more certain than たぶんそうだろう in one's judgement. I might be bit synaesthesia to kanji and kana...
    – user25382
    Oct 2, 2017 at 0:03

2 Answers 2


「たぶん」は、英語の maybe よりずっと可能性が高いと思います。「たぶん」は probably に近いと思います。70~80%くらいの確率(あるいは90%?)かな?と思います。


二 〘副詞〙 《多く下に推量を表す語を伴って》断定はできないが、そうである可能性が高いという話‌​し手の気持ちを表す。おそらく。おおかた。たいてい。

"Will you marry me?" に "Maybe." と返事されたら普通はがっかりしますけど、「結婚してくれる?」に「たぶん。」と言われたらそんなにがっかりしない(どちらかというと嬉しい)と思います。


Purely speculating from the kanji, one could quite naturally think that 多分, being "many parts", could lean towards a likelihood greater than 50% that something will happen.

おっしゃる通り、明鏡国語辞典にも「 🈩〘名・形動〙数量・金額などが多いこと。また、割合・程度が高いこと。」とあるように、割合が高い(多い)とか、大部分、というような意味で「多」+「分」なのだと思います。(「多分」は当て字との情報がネット上にいくつかありますが、複数の辞書を見ても当て字だという根拠は見つかりませんので、正しいかどうかわかりません。)

  • I guess Tommy might be wondering the ideograph(kanji) "多分” literally corresponds with the certainty of something is more than or equal to 50%.
    – user25382
    Sep 29, 2017 at 9:53
  • 1
    I should ask him directly though, he might be wondering it is okay to think that there is the correspondence between the meaning and kanji itself in a mnemonic sense.
    – user25382
    Sep 29, 2017 at 10:02

I'd use 多分 when the probability is more than 80%: "probably"

In my mind, 多分≒おそらく≒十中八九.

  • According to Wikipedia :「≒」の記号は、”日本などの東アジアの一部地域では「2 項がほぼ等しい」という意味で「≒」が用いられるが、その他の地域や数学などの専門的な文献においては「≃」を用いることが多い。また、数学的な意味以外でも、日本語の文章では「ほとんど同じ」という意図で使用されることもある。” ここで間違っているとは言えないでしょうけれど、一応念の為に ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%AD%89%E5%8F%B7
    – user25382
    Sep 29, 2017 at 12:39
  • 1
    Yeah, most native speakers of English don't know what ≒ means, although many probably learn it while they're learning Japanese. Growing up in the United States, I learned ≈ in school, and I've always used that as shorthand for "about equal" in English.
    – user1478
    Sep 29, 2017 at 21:24

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