This question is prompted by @Abi's comment on meanings of 「書{か}いてある」 and 「書かれている」:

書いてある seems to be commonly used, while with other verbs 〜てある is not so common, right?

And indeed, I don't really recall seeing 〜てある with other verbs. So what are other common verbs used with it?

Stative verbs: ~ている vs ~てある vs ~(ら)れる mentions an example of 窓が開けてある but I feel it's somewhat less natural than e.g. 開けておく or 開けっ放し.

  • 1
    置いてある is the only one that springs to mind...
    – oals
    Dec 24, 2016 at 9:52
  • 5
    – Yosh
    Dec 24, 2016 at 15:22

1 Answer 1


(From comment)

Although it may be a bit grammatically different from 書いてある, examples are:

  • (料理を)作ってある
  • (切符を)買ってある
  • (宿題を)してある
  • (住所を)控えてある
  • (鍵を)か‌​けてある

Other candidates are



  • 1
    How are they "grammatically different"? Dec 28, 2016 at 17:14

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