When going over a summary of Japanese grammar I came across the following sentence:


How should this be translated? It supposedly covers the construct of noun+で. Is it the te-form?

2 Answers 2


”で” Here is the te-form of the coupla "だ/です" and means simply "is", but it has the connotation of continuing on with the sentence, instead of ending it like "だ" would.

So "AはBで。。。" would mean "A is B and..."


Both nouns(名詞) and na-adjectives(形容動詞) have the same continuative-form(連用形) which is the form you use in a sentence to keep it going, and consist in appending to them at the end.

  • [彼女]{かのじょ} は [静]{しず}かで 18[歳]{さい}で [美人]{びじん}です 。
  • She's quiet, 18 years old and a beauty.

In the example above we chained a na-adjectve followed by a noun(years) – also chained – and finished with another adjective.

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