11 votes

噌 variants in different fonts

It's off-topic, but upgrading OS is recommended as Windows XP support is already terminated. The reason why the glyphs differ is because the rule changed in 2004, after the release of XP. The ...
broccoli forest's user avatar
6 votes

Why are some Jinmeiyou kanji missing from JIS 1?

JIS 0208 is frozen in development, in two versions (with different glyph forms): as JIS X 0208:1997 (the 1990 forms) and as JIS X 0208 (2004 forms). It has basically never revised its contents since ...
Alexander Z.'s user avatar
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6 votes

Why does Unicode have code points for MANSYON, APAATO and such?

These are called 組文字, whose main purpose is to save space. Certain words such as アパート (="apartment building"), 株式会社 (="co. ltd.") appear in address books so often that publishing firms had special ...
naruto's user avatar
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5 votes

Word choice for iteration and repetitive processing in computer science

「ループ」と「繰り返し」と「反復」は全く同じ意味だと思います。「反復」は、ややアカデミックで固い印象があります。発音しやすいので会話では「ループ」が最も使われています。動詞として使う場合、"to process an (entire) loop" の意味で使うなら「ループ処理をする」「繰り返しを行う」「反復処理をする」など、"to go to the next loop" の意味で使うなら「...
naruto's user avatar
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4 votes

Pronouncing while loops in programming

It is not common practice to "translate" such codes into Japanese, at least not among professionals. They just read this mostly in (katakanized) English, token by token. Typically something ...
naruto's user avatar
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3 votes

How to say "serve" in "The server serves the request"?

I doubt there is a direct equivalent. If you don't mind rephrasing it, you can use: 配信する (to distribute) 応答する (to respond) 処理する (to process) But in programming contexts, just using サーブする is also a ...
naruto's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do Japanese games say "Now Loading" instead of "Loading"?

I doubt there is a good linguistic reason for this. Probably someone happened to come up with "Now Loading", and other developers followed without thinking much about it. This is not surprising at all....
naruto's user avatar
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3 votes

Word choice for iteration and repetitive processing in computer science

The meaning of "繰り返し処理", "反復処理", and "ループ(処理)" are same and we often omit "する". As you indicated, "ループ" usually refers to a certain processing via for/while loop, but programmers also use the words "...
iomat's user avatar
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2 votes

How do you write "hacker" in Japanese in 2017?... (where hacker doesn't have an evil connotation)

This heavily depends on your target audience. If you write something to IT workers, ハッカー can safely refer to non-evil ones. For example, this ロシアの天才ハッカーによる新人エンジニアサバイバルガイド (with almost 6000 likes from ...
naruto's user avatar
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2 votes

How do you write "hacker" in Japanese in 2017?... (where hacker doesn't have an evil connotation)

Hacker /ˈhækər/ 1. One who likes to program. 2. One who utilizes technology to go beyond the limits inherent to the design of an application. As for today in 2017, there is not a word in ...
user20624's user avatar
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2 votes

Does 「密度」have any special meaning in context of computers?

稼働率 is often synonymous with availability (可用性), but in this context it refers to the resource (CPU/memory) usage rate, i.e., how busy each container is. This line is saying Kubernetes allows you to ...
naruto's user avatar
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1 vote

How to provide variable text in Japanese?

Most symbols used in the English language would work. If you just give instructions like "this '@' always indicates a variable" somewhere, I'm sure people will understand whether it's '@' or ...
Yusuke Matsubara's user avatar
1 vote

Why do Japanese games say "Now Loading" instead of "Loading"?

Whether you are asking about games that are in Japanese or in English, I would assume (pure speculation here) that, as the game was likely made for domestic consumers originally or by a Japanese team, ...
BJCUAI's user avatar
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Differences between 性能試験 and 強化試験

Like you mentioned, 性能試験 is a performance test. If it's a server side, checking how many connections can be handled or how long it takes to return a response. Mainly focusing to know its performance. ...
suish's user avatar
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1 vote

Differences between 性能試験 and 強化試験

性能試験 is simply performance test, and is used widely in many fields related to engineering, including software engineering. I don't think 強化試験 is a common term, but judging from usages found on the ...
naruto's user avatar
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1 vote

How do you write "hacker" in Japanese in 2017?... (where hacker doesn't have an evil connotation)

By all accounts, the word is written plainly as: ハッカー Just as in English, the Japanese also do understand both the negative connotation of the term and its wider use that includes all sorts of ...
keithmaxx's user avatar
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