Questions tagged [words]

言葉. Any question that does not deal specifically with grammar or pronunciation. Includes questions about prefixes, suffixes, compound words, loanwords, dialectal differences, pragmatic usage, etc. In other words, phenomena that occurs at the level of the word.

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What does the 「いるん」in だれか好きな人がいるんですか。

Everything else in this sentence I understand except 「いるん」. Can someone tell me it's meaning/purpose? Why can't I just say だれか好きな人ですか。? My textbook translates the sentence as: "Is there someone ...
beebus jeebus's user avatar
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N1 Goi practice question. Synonym of 凌ぐ [closed]

Solving some N1-Goi questions I run up to this one. 暑さを「凌ぐ」ために、多くの人が都会を離れて山や海で過ごしている。 つのる ふせぐ いのる ふさぐ I was pretty sure it was the second one 2) ふせぐ" but the solutions provided say its 1)つのる. ...
悪戯猫's user avatar
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Trying to understand ツッコミ and 突っ込まない and similiar

The character is walking around Tokyo with her boyfriend from the country. The boyfriend notices she's tired and tells her this: 少し 休んでいくか? 丁度いい所に休憩可能なホテルがある "Should we rest a bit? Just at the ...
Bluegate's user avatar
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These are 3 words I've learned from experience rather than a textbook, and although I hear them in different contexts as far as I can tell they all mean the same thing. Could someone clarify what the ...
grocerystorecarrots's user avatar
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Pitch accent for 金 (かね)

I can't find any sources to find the pitch accent of 金 (かね). Sorry for the basic question, but if anyone could tell me + where I can figure out the pitch accent of words (Other than OJAD) I would ...
Chocolate's user avatar
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"kiru" used to refer to a card?

In Bungou Stray Dogs S2E07, the enemy pulled off something really abhorrent, and in response, Dazai says "敵{てき}がその気{き}なら、こちらも鬼札{おにふだ}を切{き}ろう". I can understand that onifuda is like "...
chausies's user avatar
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Does 前の方 have the same nuance of 前方

すごい行列だ でも、運良く前の方に並べたし "What a big line. But luckily, I was standing..." Does it mean the front part? Or does it mean he was standing there fro before?
Bluegate's user avatar
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How do we say "literary register"?

I know "register" is said 使用域, or レジストル, or レジスター, and that for instance "informal register" is said くだけた レジストル ( How do we ...
Starckman's user avatar
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I do not understand what 腰折れ懸念 means

I am a student of Japanese language, and while translating from an economic review text, I encountered this term 腰折れ懸念, which I tried looking up on the internet, but unfortunately with no results, if ...
Fabio Filippini's user avatar
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what does 抱えこんどります mean in this sentence?

すべてを自分で抱えこんどりました。誰かに助けてもらおうと考える余裕さえなかったんです is 抱えこんどりました a rare form of 抱え込む?
CN.hitori's user avatar
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Is there a colloquial equivalent for 提出する?

Is there a colloquial equivalent for 提出する? For instance in a situation where an employee needs to transmit/give a file to the administration, or a student needs to transmit/give a homework to the ...
Starckman's user avatar
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What does わせ in this sentence mean?

なぜ死なしてしもたか、人生を狂るわせたのか Does this sentence contain typo? I guess 狂るわせ should be 狂わせ. What do you guys think?
CN.hitori's user avatar
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Is "atashita" short for "atashitachi"? [closed]

In an anime episode, I heard a sentence I didn't quite understand. I don't have the japanese subtitles to be sure, but what I heard is: 勝負{しょうぶ}してんだろう、あたした! The meaning I understand is something ...
Teleporting Goat's user avatar
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What's the difference between 其処ら, 至る所, and そこら中?

Trying to figure out how to say the word "everywhere" in Japanese, and I want to make sure I'm using the correct one. Usually there's some difference due to context or formality. Context of ...
beebus jeebus's user avatar
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Does 罪 in 罪を受ける literally mean "crimes"?

Even in English, I can almost imagine someone saying I have received my crimes. to be a short-hand way of saying What goes around comes around, and I have received the consequences for my criminal ...
George's user avatar
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Words for closing

In English, we use the word "close" liberally and loosely. But Japanese requires more specificity. Besides the difference between 閉じる and 閉める that confuses native English speakers, there are ...
Bob41's user avatar
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添{そ}い遂{と}げる (soitogeru) = "to be with" or "to remain married to for life"?

Relative spoilers for Mushoku Tensei S2E11 (Jobless Reincarnation). A childhood friend girl meets with MC-kun years later, but doesn't reveal who she is. MC-kun falls for the girl, but is hesitant (...
chausies's user avatar
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Can't understand そんな労カかけないでもらいたいなっていうね

In this video clip (, I cannot break down (what words are composing the sentence) what the man says. そんなあんまなんかこう、...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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How can I express the idea of "lurking" in a server?

When you join, e.g., a Discord server, but end up not actively participating in the discussions taking place and instead just reading them, you are said to be a "lurker", or to be "...
小ヶ倉ゆい's user avatar
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涙活 = "monetizing the tears"?

In Kanojo Okarishimasu (aka Rent-a-Girlfriend) S3E03, a hyperactive zoomer girl (who's also a youtuber) named Yaemori hears MC's situation, and starts crying. Afterwords, she says "泣いた記念に写真撮るっス&...
chausies's user avatar
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方 as a noun with a relative clause. What does it mean? [duplicate]

Today I encountered this sentence: その都市の治安はいい[方]{ほう}です。 The general meaning is simple: "The city is safe". However, what does [方]{ほう} mean in this sentence? Is there an implicit comparison?...
makamoe's user avatar
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Meaning and pronunciation of 通目

Recently I've been reading 永田カビ's 一人交換日記, and have come upon the word 通目 there, used in every "chapter" heading. Judging from context, I think this word would mean something like "entry&...
Emily's user avatar
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What does 決め決め mean?

個人的にこういうカチッ!っと決め決めの男性がタイプです It's a woman commenting a picture of a young man. I think 決め決めの means something like "determined", "resolved". It doesn't seem to be a real word ...
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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Understanding あるところ when used in a past-tense sentence [duplicate]

In 昔あるところにおじいさんとおばあさんが住んでいました Why isn't ある in the past tense (since we're talking a place that existed in the past)? Would the sentence still be grammatical if it was?
George's user avatar
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Is Saturday considered a weekday or weekend, or something else?

I'm confused about this sign. It states working hours. The first part is easy: weekdays is 9:30 to 20:00. The second part is strange. Instead of saying 週末・祭日 (weekends and holidays), it says "...
Nexen's user avatar
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Usage/connotation of "いろ" meaning someone's "girl/lover"

In Rurouni Kenshin, a woman is running away from Kanryuu's men. A guy asks her "are you Kanryuu's girl?" (anta wa Kanryuu no iro ka?) Anyways, my question is the usage of "iro" to ...
chausies's user avatar
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Can someone tell me the difference between 別々に and 別々 and 別 and 別に and 別々の

I am asking for the difference between 別々に and 別々 and 別 and 別に and 別々の. They are all very similiar having something to do with separate/ly. Thanks.
Sylver's user avatar
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When to use which: 割 vs 分 as 10%

I was wondering how to know if I have to use 割 or 分 when I want to say 10%. In this post: (When is 分 read ぶ instead of ぶん) The guy who answered said that 分 can be used either: when talking about ...
Sylver's user avatar
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Holiday vocabulary

There are a number of words for holiday, vacation, etc. I'd like to clarify their various uses: 祭日 National holiday. There is also 祝日 but I'm under the impression for, say, America's July 4, ...
Bob41's user avatar
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Can't understand 'その辺うまくこう利用できるような

In this video clip: , the man says: その辺うまくこう利用できるような I guess こう利用できるような means 'like this, to make it usable'. But what is その辺? Is it '...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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Different words for "idiom"

When looking on dictionaries E-J for the word "idiom" in Japanese, the following results appear: 熟語、慣用句、成句、故事成語、ことわざ and 言い習わし. While I think ことわざ is more like a "proverb", what ...
kanachan's user avatar
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how to understand "もう何も考られずグーって感じですか"

This is from 'Easy Japanese 3' in youtube : もう何も考えられずグーって感じですか I can't break down near ずグーって. ず means not (attached to kangaerare)? What ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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How to express this kind of "no"?

I believe in English you can say "no" when something unfortunate is about to happen or has already started — suppose somebody has just bumped into a table with an antique vase and now you ...
Kisiel's user avatar
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How would you say "young love" in Japanese? Would it be "若い愛" or "青春愛"?

I know that the first is using young as an adjective for the word love while the second is referring to love between young people but I wanted to know which one is correct. Like if an older person saw ...
Kramernator's user avatar
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Which one is correct between 侘び寂び and 侘寂

I know that generally you use the hiragana "わびさび", and in the entry for "侘寂" in the chinese wikipedia "侘び寂び" is listed as the original japanese, but I still have my ...
Majest's user avatar
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maru = "for real" (or something of the sort)?

In Trails into Reverie, Nadia is an insanely cute girl who talks in a super slangy (gyaru-ish?) fashion. She's obviously in love with her big-brother figure Swin (whom she calls "su-chan"). ...
chausies's user avatar
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What is being said here that means "it's frowned upon if you're a smoker [in the US]"

In Shinya Shokudou, S3EP08, a Japanese lady who currently works in New York (but is back home in Japan for a bit) asks the owner of a Shokudou for a cigarette as he's smoking. The owner says "...
chausies's user avatar
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塩気/塩っ気 (shiokke) = sass?

In Shinya Shokudou (Midnight Diner) S3EP06, and old mom meets with this old guy, and they're talking at a diner in front of the old mom's daughter (who's casual friends with the old guy). The old mom'...
chausies's user avatar
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Any reason "Naniwa musume" is used to refer to a girl in modern times (as opposed to "Oosaka musme")?

Naniwa is an antiquated name for what is now referred to as the Oosaka region (It was called Naniwa around the 1500s last, if I'm not mistaken). That being said, In Shinya Shokudo S3E04 (released in ...
chausies's user avatar
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Can you suggest a name for an energy in a magic system that incorporates the kanji 真霊? [closed]

I have decided to choose a more flashy and direct title for my new work. Specifically, I am creating a magic system and I have chosen the name "Rei" (霊) for it, but I don't want to offend ...
MindfulTraveler's user avatar
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kamakaketa = having someone spill the beans?

In Episode 10 of "Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia", MC and love interest's older sister are talking. Older sister (as bait) says she heard love interest had confessed to MC, and MC responds all ...
chausies's user avatar
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How do I pronounce this 「暖」 that lacks 送り仮名?

I am learning Japanese, and one of the ways I'm doing so is playing games. I am playing "Stranger of Sword City," and I saw this exact expression, in the game: 何か[暖]{L}を取るものを探して彷徨ったあなたは、...
LionKimbro's user avatar
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Understanding a meaning of 処遇

I found the word in an anime quite some time ago, and I wanted to finally confirm if I understood its meaning. From the 新明解, the definition is: 人をある立場から評価して、しかるべき地位を与えること。 The context in which I ...
Gianni Trattore's user avatar
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Usage of 脇付 depending on the sender and the addressee

According to these websites 脇付 follow this classification when thinking on the sender and the addressee of a letter....
kanachan's user avatar
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What is the meaning of なのか in this sentences? Is it a grammar pattern?

Chi's user avatar
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あっちゃいけない - Grammatical origin

あっちゃいけない I can find multiple example sentences for this but no explanation : そのための売買市場がなぜあっちゃいけないんだろうね? 私だけが特別であっちゃいけないんです そしてその権力者に仕える指導者たちもまた権力を振りかざすのがたまらなく好きだ43いいか、おまえたちは、そうであっちゃいけない! The meaning ...
Unaware17's user avatar
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Why can 尸魂界 be read as ソウル・ソサエティ "Soul Society"? Are there other words that can have a different loan word reading?

I am watching the anime "Bleach" with Japanese audio, and I hear them talk about something in the story called the Soul Society. When I look at the transcript, I see, that 尸魂界 is used. ...
Christopher Pagan's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 当たる here exactly?

In the vn rewrite, the protag こたろう is trying to salvage the relationship of two heroines ルチア and ちはや, together with 2 other heroines, 静流 and 小鳥. The protag thinks the following: 今回の作戦を立案したのは俺だ。とにかく、...
Mernn1's user avatar
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Meaning of word けの字

In the second episode of Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon, one of the characters has two daughters: one natural that can see supernatural things, and a stepdaughter (which she bullies) that can't; about ...
Mauro's user avatar
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How is 役に立った ( helpful ) formed?

My guess is that the phrase is derived from the composition of the following: 役 (yaku) : service, use に:particle for destination 立った:perfective of 立つ (tatsu) So it's extended meaning like "...
xinxin Jin 's user avatar

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