Questions tagged [particle-で]

助詞「で」. A sentential particle that can indicate the location of an event, or a means, material, cause or necessity.

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Is this で with 思い当たる the particle or te-form

From the anime "Heavenly Delusion", and a main character asks someone about their knowledge of a place called "Heaven" (天国): あっ あと 天国って場所で 何か思い当たることないですか? Oh, before I forget, have ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Omitted で or があって in set phrase used in tag この指とまれ; apparently may/can be in 錠剤腐る脳 [closed]

The phrase この指とまれ is interpreted as a phrase to stop the tagger and gather runners near the person who said the phrase. I searched it up and apparently it comes from the tradition of 指切り (promising; ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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俺で悪かった meaning?

Context: Two characters are about to kiss, when the guy leans in the girl stops him and says it 知ってますよね? 私こういうのしたことないって! Don't you know it? I never did these kinds of things So the guy start to ...
Bluegate's user avatar
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Rate/ratio: What are the differences between 「一年一万円」,「一年に一万円」,「一年で一万円」?

When describing a rate or ratio, what are the differences between no particle, に, and で? Also related: In a JLPT N5 sample test booklet, I came across the sentence below. Why is で used in the second ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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replying no to a question

When saying no to a question, いいえ、そうではありません。 What's the purpose of そうでは?
joanannana's user avatar
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Is で in 「...でおねがいします」 the "te form" of だ, or "circumstances" で particle?

For orders & requests, I notice Japanese natives often add で after the thing they want. Here's a real-life example: 客:「この桜抹茶ラッテをひとつ、お願いします。」 (Customer: I'll have one of these sakura maccha lattes ...
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で particle following い-adjective

A sentence from 「ぼっち・ざ・らじお!」episode 19, where the host 青山吉能さん thanks the audience for nominating their show in four categories for a radio show awards show. She then says: ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Which one of these sentences is more natural?

かれはこうえん[で]{L}さんぽします。 かれはこうえん[を]{L}さんぽします。 Which one of these sentences is more natural and why?
Tokyo shoibam's user avatar
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Why the de particle and not ni here?

駅で掃除ロボットがある wouldnt it make sense to use "ni" here since there is no action taking place?
First Name Last Name's user avatar
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What does nameはnameで mean? [duplicate]

井上は井上で待つだけじゃなく。自分から彼に話しかければいいじゃないか I understand he's basically "You shouldn't just wait. Approach him on your own" But what does the repeated noun here adds?
Bluegate's user avatar
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これでこそ vs これだ use in this sequence

I'm stumbled on the actual nuance of this sentence. In the top sentence, the character says that if しき is not with them then it's not "everyone". To which the third character adds これだよ. Then ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Does た+ "ところで" always mean "No matter what", "Even if?"

よし 後ろ盾を得たところで さっさく調べちまおう "後ろ盾を得た" is a way of saying that means "To obtain one support". The character proposed an hypothesis about the situation and his partner agreed, which ...
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What is the で in the movie name 「地獄でなぜ悪い」? [duplicate]

The English translation on Wikipedia is "What's so bad about hell?" But I'd think that sentence would use は instead of で: 「地獄はなぜ悪い」. So I'm confused what role で is playing. Perhaps it's ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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What is the difference between the に used here and で when specifying a reason for a future action?

The following passage comes from a word game that's indirectly describing the story of Little Red Riding Hood (赤ずきん) 男に質問を繰り返す女。 とある質問に男は態度を急変させ、 それ以降、 質問されることはなくなった。 何があった? I had the part ...
hulapoll1's user avatar
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can で particle be used to say "and"

I saw some example sentences where the で particle was used to say "and", can't you just use "と" or "し"? Why was で used?
Koll's user avatar
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東京を旅行する instead of 東京で旅行する? 東京を遊ぶ or 東京で遊ぶ?

I guess the distinguishment standard between を and で is whether the verb involves movement right? If so, then 旅行する is certainly a movement verb and thus を sounds more natural here. So we almost won't ...
Sheepeagle's user avatar
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What's the difference between ...から死ぬ and ...で死ぬ?

We know that both から and で can express reason, and that から emphasis on a process of change in comparison to で. If this is the prerequisite, then both "...から死ぬ" and "...で死ぬ" can be ...
Sheepeagle's user avatar
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Understanding ~たのでは "Conditionals"

I recently came across a sentence containing ~たのでは I found quite hard to parse, and I wanted to focus more on just its ~たのでは aspect to make a more focused question. So consider: 「彼が来なかったのでは、何も始まらない。」 ...
George's user avatar
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How is 妙なことで different from 妙なことに

師匠 昔気質なくせに 妙なことでやさしいから、いつも お前に 巻きこまれて... "My teacher is old fashioned, but because he's kind, the always get involved with you..." How is the で particle used here?
Bluegate's user avatar
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What does Noun でして mean? [duplicate]

その鋼の心を支えるものこそ酒でして The character in question is asking for a drink and says. What does でして mean here?
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Understanding してでも in 「みずからの精神や命を犠牲にしてでも...」

Consider みずからの精神や命を犠牲にしてでもこのままじゃ いけないんだ The way I would understand this sentence were it using しても (instead of してでも) is: More literal translation: Even (しても) sacrificing my own spirit and life, the ...
George's user avatar
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The use of the expresssion 首の皮一枚繋がっている + で particle

This is said at the beginning of the chapter. The character is contemplating that he managed to finish without his secret leaking out. As far I understand 首の皮一枚繋がっている is an expression that means ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Does で in this sentence 「日本の昔話は代表的なものだけで、2,3百はあります。」 mean that the noun before it is a tool for the proceding sentence?

I would translate this sentence 日本の昔話は代表的なものだけで、2,3百はあります。 as "Japanese folktales has about 200, 300 as only representative of it". My question is does で after だけ mean that the noun before ...
Rommel Bagasina's user avatar
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Why is "Kore de ii" correct? [duplicate]

So I've learned that the de particle is used to indicate the location where an action takes place or indicate the means by which something is done. However in "Kore de ii" Kore is neither ...
Rommel Bagasina's user avatar
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What's the difference between 公園を散歩する and 公園で犬を散歩させる?

Normally we say 公園を散歩する because 散歩する is a verb that expresses movement in space, and is thus followed by を, which also expresses movement in space. But if the verb is changed into 犬を散歩させる, in this ...
Sheepeagle's user avatar
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What's the difference between "プロジェクトチームでの懇親会", "プロジェクトチームで懇親会" and "プロジェクトチームの懇親会"? [duplicate]

Context: プロジェクトチームでの懇親会は初めてだったので、メンバーのいろんな面を知れて楽しかったです。 Why is there "で" in "プロジェクトチームでの懇親会"? What's the difference between these phrases? プロジェクトチームの懇親会は初めてだった。 ...
Theseus's user avatar
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「noun」は、「noun」でも代用かのうです。 - What is the role of でも here? [duplicate]

For example if you have the sentence "ストッキングは、靴下でも代用かのうです。" Is でも a single word or is it the で-particle followed by the も-particle? If the latter one is the case, then も can be left off ...
Celestial Dragon's user avatar
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Is there a deep meaning to the fact that the に particle, in a literary context, can be used in place of で

I was looking into the verb 憩う, and was surprised that all the examples I could find use …に憩う rather than …で憩う. A quick google (に憩う か で憩う) search yielded two types of answers for various forums: A ...
Stephane C's user avatar
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When に does not seem to denote change of place

This answer explains that when used to indicate a place, で means the action is happening at that place while に indicated the verbs causes a change in place. That all makes sense until I run into some ...
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Meaning of あってほしい in this sentence

けれど、気が合うから。相手のことに探りは入れずただ話して、遊ぶことだけを望む。 変だけど、別にいいじゃないか。 友達って楽しいことを共有して笑い合うためにある、そういう明るくて優しいもので俺はあってほしいから。 それがきっと、疲れてしまった時の救いになるんだって 友達って楽しいことを共有して笑い合うためにある Here he explains friends are something that ...
Bluegate's user avatar
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Corrections causing confusion about using に over で

When talking about chimneys with a native Japanese speaker, I said: でも、アメリカンの家には普通です But, for American houses it's normal (for chimneys to exist/be a part of the house). Which was corrected to: でも、...
Tylersanzura's user avatar
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Grammatical usage of "で" in the sample sentence: 「~~で正解だと思います。」

"Do you mean the red haired boy?" は、「赤毛の男の子のことですか?」で正解だと思います。 So this is an explanation I got from a Japanese person. And I wanna understand what does exactly "で" mean here. Why ...
Venomous Passion's user avatar
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「20歳以上での年齢」- Why include this で? [closed]

In a store's liquor section in Japan, a sign reads: 「20歳以上での年齢であることを確認できない場合には酒類を販売致しません。」 What is the purpose of the particle で in 「20歳以上での年齢」, and is the meaning any different if 「20歳以上の年齢」 without ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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Particles can be put before copula だ?

In the anime Relife ep1, I met this line "酔ってた勢いでだ". I don't know what is で here. Is it an abbreviation, dialect, or particle? Or this is a casual speech that is ungrammatical? If it is a ...
Phong Tran's user avatar
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The use of で in a sentence not related to action or means

The particle で typically marks the means of an action, and the location of an action ([1], [2]). But why is it used after から, in many sentences such as: お時間がない方はまずは、ご相談からで大丈夫ですよ 'If you don't have ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Why is the particle へ used for direction here and does particle で here mean because of?

大手電力4社「規制料金」値上げ申請へ 燃料費高騰で Link to article:
never leave home's user avatar
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Understanding 「(verb-たら) + (verb-past tense) + で」

Consider 休んだら休んだで、たくさんやることがある。 From having taken a break, I have a lot of stuff to do. or 一段落したらしたで、次の難問が待っている。 Just from following down one step, the next difficult problem awaits. What is going ...
George's user avatar
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the usage of で in: 人を守りながらでは刀も思い切り振れない

人を守りながらでは刀も思い切り振れない does this imply some condition like as in "in the condition of while protecting people i cant swing the katana as much as i would like to" this is really bad and ...
sieman's user avatar
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Particle usage of transitive verb in the passive form (~を占める → ~で占められている)

店内は、外見のぼろっちさと同じように、古めかしい洗濯機や乾燥機で占められていた。 Looking at some example sentences of 占める, it's almost always in the natural form and the particle を is used to describe the direct object, and the particle で ...
BIG-95's user avatar
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Particle De - Mode or Condition of Agent?

Can anyone explain to what my Anki Card up here is explaining when it comes to mode or condition of the agent? I know what an agent is, but what does it mean by mode or condition?
Catdog's user avatar
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Using で to mark location with ある?

My understanding is that the verb ある describes where something is, which means に is the correct particle to mark location. However there have been several cases I've come across where ある's location ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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で・と・が・は - Nuance

ボブと戦ってる Fighting with Bob (Against Bob/Bob is fighting someone, and that same someone is fighting Bob) ボブが戦ってる Bob is fighting ボブたちが戦ってる Bob and them are fighting (not necessarily together nor ...
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自分になりたい。 自分でありたい。 What's the difference?

I know both sentences more or less mean "I want to be myself", but I'm not sure of the subtle differences. When would you use でありたい over になりたい ? Source: Tsurune season 2 trailer. Both are ...
MoonRabbit0's user avatar
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で as an Agent Marker

I read a study that listed the Agent Markers in Japanese as Ga, Ni, Kara, and De I currently have this understanding of agent marking in Japanese: GA = Active Sentences NI = Passive Sentences DE = ? ...
Catdog's user avatar
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How is this で being used as a question marker?

From からかい上手の高木さん episode 1 高木 is pulling a prank on 西方 while borrowing his eraser, in which she starts to convince him that he wrote his crush’s name on his eraser; thus it makes him believe that his ...
levikara's user avatar
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Particles choice with 飲む when refering to medicine

日本の会社が初めて作った口から飲む薬です。 It's a medicine which you take by mouth that's made for the first time by a Japanese company. I was surprised to see 口から here. I can only guess that this is from the perspective ...
user3856370's user avatar
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ところで as ところ + で

A sentence from this 「神道」が死を排除したところで成り立っているとすれば、その成立は古墳時代以前になかったことになります。 strikes me as a little different from how the collocation is normally used, and amenable to being interpreted as a ...
magni's user avatar
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Understanding the 「内容」 meaning of the で particle

On page 21 of 「初級を教える人のための日本語文法ハンドブック」, the authors make a valiant attempt at compiling the meanings of Japanese particles. The chart is at the bottom of this post. However one has always been ...
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What is the function of で in 「家に帰らないで映画を観に行った」?

In the sentence 昨日は授業の後、家に帰らないで映画を観に行った。 Is で the て-form of だ? Or is it the で particle? In either case, wouldn't the clause before it (家に帰らない) need to be nominalized (の) in order for で to attach to ...
George's user avatar
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~することで in a specific sentence

Below is an excerpt from 天声人語 vol. May 5th 2011: 地に足をつけてきた人々が地を追われる無念を思う。とことん考えることでせめて悲痛に寄り添いたい。 The editor of this anthology I have at hand parses the で as によって or を使って. The latter sentence means ...
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