Questions tagged [meaning]

意味. The meaning of words or phrases within certain contexts, especially when it does not seem to match the standard definition.

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Help understand this weird wordplay/metaphor: 「あまりに肝を抜かれすぎて、お尻の穴から魂的な何かが漏れそうだ。」

Context: MC has been isekai'd to another world in unconscious state, where nations are fighting for supremacy. A girl asked him to join her clan after brought him back to her house, but MC declined ...
4chan user's user avatar
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What does 作品の目的とする表現 actually mean?

これは、作品の目的とする表現に従った演出の結果が見るものに「リアリティ」を感じさせた場合においてであるが、演者が自身の人格や感情を演技の媒介にする(つまり「素」をだしたような)ものは、それが演者の「リアル」であっても、視聴者がリアリティと感じられるかには困難がつきまとう。 For context this is the on the definition of the word 迫真 and I ...
goldenlight's user avatar
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Understanding rhetorical じゃない in written form

ああ、連中の考えることときたらおまえ、まともじゃない。わしらとは人種が違う。 Ah, when it comes to how these folk think, you're decent aren't you?. They're a different kind of people from us. This is a response to being asked whether a ...
user3856370's user avatar
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How to express accidentally sitting on something

その銃は、ダドリーが尻に敷いて銃身をひどく曲げてしまい、... Dudley sat on the gun and bent the barrel badly ... Is 尻に敷く normal Japanese for "to sit on something"? I guess it could be from the literal translation of '...
user3856370's user avatar
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How do you say "it is becoming evening / it is getting evening"?

Not "it is evening", not "in the evening", not "it is getting late". I wanted to translate a famous quote and I was thinking something like: 聞け、夕方なっている But I think it ...
RiC's user avatar
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What does this means in this context ? 占い師と騎士を同じにされては困る (MC is worry about a knight when she's about to leave the city at sunset )

There's a sentence which i'm not sure about its meaning when reading. Hope someone can explains to me the correct meaning , if my understanding was wrong. Context: MC is worry about a knight when she'...
4chan user's user avatar
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what is the meaning of はじめ皆?

水曜日は栗並さんはじめ皆さん、In this sentence, how shall I understand はじめ皆? What are the Kanji? Is は a particle, or is it the beginning of the word?
Sven Eriksson's user avatar
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Meaning of 一文にもならない from Super Mario RPG. (With pictures) This is from a video teaching Japanese meaning from Super Mario RPG. Source: The context is: Mario and Mallow(little white puff ...
Grumpy Bread's user avatar
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What is the meaning of ビリビリ in this context?

Context/conversation added: 友達さん: ヒカリちゃん、なんでアニキにだけちょっと怖いも? ヒカリちゃん: ふーん?あんたもビリビリされたいってわけ!? ヒカリちゃん is a so-called ツンデレcharacter. アニキ is the main character of the story and ヒカリちゃん is noticeably harsher ...
Magna's user avatar
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what is the exact meaning of パネだく in below sentence

I searched in internet to find the meaning of パネだく in the below sentence: 世の中には 説明のつかないことがパネだくあっし。 the brief translation I found for this sentence is: This world is full of things which are ...
farhad gharleghi's user avatar
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What is the meaning of もちうるもの全て in this context

I am really confused on how to translate もちうるもの全て in the first manga panel. I tried pasting it into some online translators and it said something like "everything that can be used" but ...
asyraf shaari's user avatar
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Meaning of それなりに

ダドリーがドタドタと、それなりに全速力でやってきた。 Dudley came waddling towards them as fast as he could (original text). Most references suggest that それなりに means 'in its own way'. This might be a grey area, but does ...
user3856370's user avatar
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ようにしてください Question, Verb + する?

Hello I am learning Japanese right now and was wondering what the difference between these two sentences is (or if the latter is even correct?) 水を飲むようにしてください。 水を飲むするようにしてください。 I was doing a quiz and ...
Hanai's user avatar
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What does つく mean in this context?

I hope this question is not too dumb. The context comes from Spirited Away: Mother father and daughter arrive at some empty food stand (Fater) すみませーん、どなたかいませんかー? (Mother) 千尋{ちひろ}もおいで、おいしそうよ。 (...
Gianni Trattore's user avatar
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カン - What does it mean in this context?

I'm playing through a game and came across the below line. It is read by an old man in a fantasy setting - think knights. ワシのカンは あたったようじゃな。 From my understanding, ワシ means "I" but mainly ...
Stone Ocean's user avatar
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Different combinations of せっかく, their meanings and examples

As of today, the vast majority of times I've come across せっかく, I've ended up understanding it in a somewhat blurry way and guessing the meaning from context. However, I would like to finally structure ...
Rick's user avatar
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What does 歪な mean in this context?

In the anime called Quintessential Quintuplets, one of the girls is talking to their mother’s (who has already passed away) used to be homeroom teacher. The teacher: 僕は彼女の担任教師だったんだ 君は若い頃のお母さんそっくりだ ...
Mernn1's user avatar
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What is the difference between 虐め and 嫌がらせ? Can you provide example sentences that highlight the difference?

Both terms mean "harassment". I tried to find out the differences by searching the Internet, but beyond this short Q&A in English: いやがらせ means harassment. いじめ is more serious ...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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Is there a single word in japanese that means "like the moon"?

In my native language, Persian, there is a name meaning "like the moon", As in "beautiful like the moon". I wanna know if there is any single word in Japanese like this.
Ali Ahmadian's user avatar
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What does し of されし means?

I was playing hollow knight and a character said "愛されし王のために", i searched and found out that し is a conjugation of an aulixiary that means past and it was used in classical japanese, but i ...
Lucas Lima's user avatar
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The Quintessential Quintuplets - Difference between うそうそ (uso uso) and 冗談 (じょうだん jōdan joke)

From The Quintessential Quintuplets 1 - S01E01 Related: The Quintessential Quintuplets & Higurashi - What does it mean to repeat a word? Does たのしいたのしい means fun-filled? See here 2:36 - 2:44. The ...
BCLC's user avatar
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The Quintessential Quintuplets & Higurashi - What does it mean to repeat a word? Does たのしいたのしい means fun-filled?

1 - Higurashi / Umineko When They Cry Minor spoilers for Higurashi season 1 and NSFW / violent content: See 1:41 here when Sonozaki wants to go to the 'fun-filled' underground torture chamber. I ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Is あり得ない a good translation for "It can't be!"?

I know that a more common translation for あり得ない is "Impossible!" or "That's impossible!", but can あり得ない be used for expressions like, "It can't be!" or "This can't ...
Jet's user avatar
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How does ひらひら and 構う function in this context?

In the visual novel Rewrite, there is a conversation between 咲夜, ちはや and 瑚太郎 (the MC) Context: This is 咲夜’s first scene in the game, and so far the only thing we know about him is that he is somehow ...
Mernn1's user avatar
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Looking for example where 明ける means "to begin" *unambiguously*

All the dictionary entries I have found for 明ける include definitions that are almost opposites of each other. More specifically, in some of the definitions, 明ける means something like "to begin&...
kjo's user avatar
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What does 過去へ遡るほど大きいとされる refers to here?

華族制度が今なお存在する(成立時期も約300年前と古い)世界。歴史上江戸時代および鎖国が存在せず、西洋文明の普及が早いなどもうひとつの世界との差異は過去へ遡るほど大きいとされる。 This is an entry about a fictional parallel world of the novel 'ぼくのご主人様 ' i understand this as ; from a ...
goldenlight's user avatar
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な at the end of a sentence as an imperative

I read from here that な at the end of a sentence could be used as a positive or negative imperative. It said that the dictionary form of a verb + な ...
Nana's user avatar
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How inteligible is Japanese used in Buddhist texts?

I have started learning Japanese some time ago, but I still can't understand the sutras and chants that are used in Zen ceremonies, such as Takkesa Ge, Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo, Fu Eku, Jin Ho San ...
Ergative Man's user avatar
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A guy invited his friend 伊理戸 to hang out in his room. Unfortunately, he only wants to study for a test. So the guy thought 伊理戸のやつテストばっかしててつまらねー!! 雰囲気で点が取れるとはなんだったのか I am not quite sure about the ...
John Davies's user avatar
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Nuance between 技法、手法、方法、テクニック、 etc

Basically just wanting to know if there's a clear difference between these words. I get the feeling that テクニック is more like one person's own specific technique for doing a thing (entirely guessing ...
bella's user avatar
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What does ことになるとし signify here?

なろう系と異世界ものはほぼ同じ意味となっており、「なろう」、「なろう小説」、「異世界転生系」、「異世界転生もの」とも呼ばれるが、杉本穂高は投稿サイト以外の商業作品でも上記のような枠組みを利用した作品は多く、 その言葉は 「なろう系」よりも広い範囲を指すため*「異世界転生もの」の中で大きな勢力を持ったのが「なろう系」ということになるとし、...
goldenlight's user avatar
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なんくるないさ or なんとかなるさ

Hello I'm planning to get a tattoo soon and I'm confused between the 2 words do they mean the same thing just written differently? or which is more of broadly accepted? なんくるないさ (nankuru nai sa) or ...
Ezsence's user avatar
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What does 大穴 mean here?

しかし......事前に聞いてはいたけど、下の名前......変わってるな。 「これ、とうわ......芸名か源氏名、通り名にリングネーム、ついでに大穴で内なる2Pキャラのこの世せ界で通称する為の仮名って線もありますけど」「本名なんだな、これが」 The protagonist meets his aunt for the first time in long time and she ...
goldenlight's user avatar
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Need help with the meaning of this sentence, because I got confused by many meanings of 調子に乗り and 勢いをつけて

そう言われて調子に乗り、勢いをつけて俺は.... There's a sentence in an eroge, which I don't understand due to my JP level. Hope someone can help me to understand its correct meaning. (my guess is : "After she said ...
4chan user's user avatar
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Need help with the meanings of these expressions that describing a person's voice よく通るきれいな声 and リバーブのかかった透明感のある声

When reading, I met this sentence that describes a girl's voice as よく通るきれいな声 and リバーブのかかった透明感のある声. It's hard for me to understand (I can only guess that her voice is normally already clear and lovely, ...
4chan user's user avatar
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What is the difference between どうしたって and 是非?

I have recently stumbled across the word どうしたって which according to the dictionary means "by all means, no matter what, at any rate". I was wondering how its usage differs from 是非 "...
Ethan's user avatar
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Walls, fences and hedges

There are several words for walls, fences and hedges and I can't get clear in my mind what's what. First let me clarify the English meanings (at least as I think of them): A hedge is a boundary to a ...
user3856370's user avatar
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What does this means in this context ? 二条で殺された方がまだマシじゃ ( "I would rather die with/by ......" ??)

When reading, I met this sentence but I'm not sure about 1 part, hope someone can explain to me its meaning ^^ Context: MC's wife has cleared a path for him and his squad, so he can go through a ...
4chan user's user avatar
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Meaning of 喉まで出かかる

マクゴナガル先生は口を開きかけたが、思いなおして、喉まで出かかった言葉をのみ込んだ。 Professor McGonagall began to open her mouth, but reconsidered and swallowed her words. My translation does not include 喉まで出かかった. Is this a set phrase? ...
user3856370's user avatar
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って as a particle? [duplicate]

It's as simple as that. Can って be used as a particle, and if so, what does it imply? I saw it in this phrase: "……ねえお母さん。 僕って、みんなと違うのかな?"
Marie OP's user avatar
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Usage of 消す in this context?

My question is that can 消す be used for wanting to get rid of something? For example, "I really need to get rid of this weird feeling." この変な感じはどうしても消さないと。 Is 消す an acceptable verb to use here ...
Jet's user avatar
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Difference between いただけますか vs できますか

So I want to say, "then can you show me your face?" politely in Japanese. I'm a newbie learner. I'd normally go with, "それでは顔を見せることができますか" or alternatively "それでは顔を見せますか" ...
Venomous Passion's user avatar
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Need someone explain the meaning of a sentence 調子に乗るのも、いい加減にィ…… which got cut-off near the end by the character

There's a sentence which I'm not sure about its meaning , hope someone can explain to me. 調子に乗るのも、いい加減に... (the character stopped near the end of the sentence, so it's hard for my JP level. I can only ...
4chan user's user avatar
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Stem-form + する - How does this work?

I saw this recently and can’t find anything about it online with a simple Google search. I’m assuming it’s literally stem-form as a nominal being done (する), sans a particle. I find this this rather ...
Michael Allen's user avatar
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Difference between 笛 and 龠

both of these mean 'flute.' Is there any difference other than 龠 being a radical?
大蒜仙人汁's user avatar
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What is つい doing in the middle of this sentence? [duplicate]

What is the purpose of つい in this sentence? うんうん、楽しくてついエキサイトして、熱くなっちゃった And does エキサイトして just mean "getting excited"? For context they were talking about a game they played.
ujp1800's user avatar
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This is a follow up this question, I am bit uncertain about the meaning of 放って寝込まれても目覚めが悪い I understand 寝込まれて as suffering passive version of 寝込む. The 目覚めが悪い part is ambiguous. I have two ways to ...
Jimmy Yang's user avatar
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Trouble with the meaning of きっかけ in a sentence

The sentence is the following. きっかけはほんの些細なことだとしても。それが、未来の大きな流れを決定づけてしまうこともある。 (I'm not really sure if the first period is supposed to be there, but the narrator took a relatively long pause after ...
Gianni Trattore's user avatar
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What does this sentence mean? 『真昼に思ったような事を周にも思ったらしい真昼が素っ気なく返す』

「とりあえず、一旦出ますから私が帰ってくるまでに着替えておいてください。いいですね」 「……帰ってくるのかよ」 [放って寝込まれても寝覚めが悪いので」 前ずぶ濡れの真昼に思ったような事を周にも思ったらしい真昼が素っ気なく返すので、周もそれ以上は文句も言えなかった。(source) So the MC (周) helped a girl (真昼?) and give her his ...
goldenlight's user avatar
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How to interpret 過去数十年分

I'm looking for some help in understanding the second line below as I'm not sure I've understood it correctly. Is it saying that the jeweller mentioned in the first line was commissioned to perform ...
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