Questions tagged [meaning]

意味. The meaning of words or phrases within certain contexts, especially when it does not seem to match the standard definition.

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1 answer

What does もの stand for here?

真改とは薄桜鬼の第一作を「薄桜鬼 真改」としてリメイクしたものです。 It's from the official site. What does もの refer to? The fact that led to the creation of the title? The title itself? Shouldn't it be こと? Or is it もん? If so, doesn'...
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What does どばっと mean in this question?

I came across this question on Japanese Quora. I will also post the text of the question in case the link doesn't work: 「飛行機で、tomato juice without ice, pleaseとお願いしました。CAさんが、no ice?と聞かれました。Yes! と答えました。...
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How to understand 委ねる in this line

I'm failing to understand what it means for the 戦い to 委ねる in the below sentence. Is there anyone who could clarify what it means in this case? この戦いは国の勝ち負けだけじゃなく一人一人がどちらを選ぶのか委ねている Additional ...
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How to understand the meaning 時にいくつか in this sentence?

「今野のケータイのデザインを決める時にいくつか入手したのですがすごくカワイイです 時に」 I don't quite understand the meaning of sentence due 時にいくつか As I suppose the translation maybe: It's a few to determine Konno's mobile design, when it ...
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I don't understand the use of the って contraction on this sentence

While looking through some example sentences, I found one where I couldn't completely understand the use of the って particle (Here is the full context if needed): いいことを教えてあげよう。...
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Difference between 芽生える{めばえる}・芽{め}が出る{でる}/芽{め}を出す{だす}

I encountered the following multiple-choice question in an unofficial JLPT N3 vocabulary practice test: 先週、スイカの種を植えたばかりなのに、今朝見たら、もう芽が(   )いた。 1 なって  2 出て  3 散って  4 生えて I chose 「4 生えて」, but the ...
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こと at the start of a sentence

In 僕の愛したジークフリーデ, by Matsuyama Takeshi, I found this sentence: すでに手勢はなく、頼みのファーレンベルガーも退場した。ことこの場に至っては『彼女』は一人の非力な少女にすぎない The main character just arrived with her companion in the presence of the queen, ...
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What does this mean about a girl's action with her hair ? 髪を耳にかけている

I don't understand this expression, so much thanks if anyone can explain to me its meaning. 髪を耳にかけている (my guess is that she's adjusting (?) her hair behind her ear, but I'm not sure. And she's got a ...
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What does こと mean in this context? こと脚に関しては他のサーヴァントより優位におるぞ

余はライダー。こと脚に関しては他のサーヴァントより優位におるぞ。 So, sorry for repeating the title, but the question is simple, what does こと mean in this context?
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初めて聞いた時はどうしてもうまく理解できなかった - What is どうしても contributing?

初めて聞いた時はどうしてもうまく理解できなかった What meaning does どうしても add?
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How can I break down the grammar of 黙って待ってろってのか?

I am reading a manga and came across the following sentence このまま俺ら妖魔のエサになるを黙って待ってろってのか I can sort of make sense of what the meaning is. Something along the lines of "In this situation should we ...
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指導に当たる meaning? To teach someone or to be taught by someone

I was reading a passage about the life of Hideyo Noguchi and found this phrase. The biography said 39ー51歳 黄熱病の研究のため、中・南米に渡り、アフリカにも行く。現地の医師の指導に当たる。 My question is, does that mean that Hideyo taught ...
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What does おこだわ mean on Twitter?

What does おこだわ mean on Twitter? I see it a lot but can't find a definition
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Difference between ~ことは and ~ことが

What is the difference between: 練習することが大切です。 練習することは大切です。
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Does ちょっと(笑)have some kind of meaning when said at end of a sentence? だけど 戦闘で使うのは バンギラスとか (Tyranitar) ちょっと(笑) There are so many sites that list the endless meanings of ちょっと. My guess out of 100 other theories is ...
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What does this means about a smile face of a person ? ほんわりとした笑顔を浮かべ

When reading, I met this expression about a smile, but not sure what does it means here (warm smile / gentle smile ??) Much thanks if anyone can explain its meaning to me o/ A はほんわりとした笑顔を浮かべ、上機嫌な様子。
8 votes
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When on earth do you use ごろ (goro)?

I was in class the other day and my せんせい was teaching us about using ぐらい (gurai) as in ...どの ぐらい かかりますか (how long will it take), and mentioned another form of ぐらい being ごろ (goro), and never elaborated ...
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How does reduplication of words work in Japanese?

Recently I've heard words like ただただ and ゆっくりゆっくり showing up. I guessed that saying adverbs one more time over again puts more emphasis on them, but I'm not at all sure if that's true. (Always means ...
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What does「あればっかりは見た方が早いですって」​mean in this context ? (A conversation of MC, eating lunch with his office colleagues in a coffee shop )

Context: MC is having lunch with his office's colleagues, inside a coffee shop. They're talking about the shop owner. The MC asked "Does she handle everything in this shop alone?" Then one ...
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Need help about a really difficult explanation of a science fiction term (霊子反応 / Spiritual Particles Reaction ??) [closed]

I'm reading a game with science fiction theme, and there is 1 part I don't understand what the F was the writer trying to conveys here, so much thanks if anyone can even decipher what he wrote here (...
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Do 白雪{しらゆき} and 白雪{はくせつ} mean the exact same thing?

I always add context to my flashcards and use different sources to find suitable ones from high-quality bilingual dictionaries. Kenkyusha offer examples for 白雪{はくせつ} but not 白雪{しらゆき}. I know some ...
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What is the cultural and grammatical meaning of 門を同じくして戸を異にす?

I came across the idiom 「門を同じくして戸を異にす」 recently and was wondering what it means. I tried looking it up online, but there are very few places where it is explained. Is there a cultural meaning behind ...
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Why is Harry the jealous one in the following paragraph, and why is 幸せな時間はなかった not a negation?

This paragraph comes from the second Harry Potter book. I am not yet at a stage where I can read books comfortably, and I have trouble understanding this paragraph. The English original goes as ...
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2 answers

Some questions about って

Here is a sentence from Dragon Ball : 一気にこれ以上修業したって意味はないって。限界までやったんだ。 悟空 says this to his son who's worried because they just chill out before a battle instead of training until the last minute. As ...
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2 answers

What does this means in this context その背中はどこか浮ついているように見えた。(MC came to the club room ,and saw her senpai is already there before her)

Context : MC came to the school's drama club room ,then she saw her senpai is already there before her ,and playing with a pencil in her hand. Then she's describing her impression about her senpai ...
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What does this expression mean when someone is looking up at you ? 覆いかぶさるようなって上目遣いにこちらを見つめてくる

When reading i came across this expression ,which i did not understand .Much thanks if anyone can help me find its meaning 覆いかぶさるようなって上目遣いにこちらを見つめてくるA。 (My guess : "A is staring at me ,with her ...
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What function does わけ have in this question?

There's no dialogue preceding this question, but the context is that a father and his son have just arrived at a river to go fishing. The son asks: こんなところで魚なんか釣れるわけ? I believe this means "Can ...
4 votes
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What is おばあちゃん子?

I attempted to find the meaning of おばあちゃん子 but it seems that it does not exist in the dictionary. What does it mean?
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What does おばあちゃん子 / お兄ちゃん子 mean about a kid's personality ? (MC is talking about his little sisters) [duplicate]

When reading I saw these terms but don't understand. Many thanks if someone can explain those to me! 小さい頃から親代わりに面倒を見てきたせいか、おばあちゃん子ならぬお兄ちゃん子になってしまったようだ。​
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Confuse about the meaning of this sentence with プリプリ/puripuri?

Screenshot **I'm reading a VN ,and encounter this sentence in a H scene . The "puripuri" part make me confuse because it stand after 感触が and before と俺 . (Is it an adjective for "俺のペニス&...
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What does this mean in this context ? もしかして、なりきってる残念な……じゃなくて本物のレイヤーか? (MC did not believe that his favorite character in a mobile game is real)

Context: MC can't believe that his favorite character in the mobile game, which he has been playing, is real. He is going to buy a new smartphone in a smartphone shop, to replace his broken one and ...
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What's the grammar behind 寝ボケた事(を)言う

何寝ボケた事言ってんだおめえ I don't understand the function of 寝ボケた事, is it like "as if you were half asleep"?
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How to understand the meaning of this sentence with 2 "yorokobi" (“悦び” /“喜び”) and もうかがえる (mou kagaeru ??) <O>

When reading ,I'm confused by this sentence ,using 2 "yorokobi" (“悦び” /“喜び”) and もうかがえる ? (The writer's using only katakana here, so I'm not sure if I understood the meaning correctly ). ...
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ともすれば~・ともすると~: " a tendency to ~, prone to ~" or "cause and effect"?

頭の中は恥辱と奇妙な解放感に混乱した。ともすると恥辱と刺激だけが意識を占めてしまいそうになる。 彼の掌から甘い痺れが沁みこんで来て、ともすれば腰が抜けそうになる。 呼吸を整えることで、ともすれば崩れそうになる自尊心を平静に保とうとした。 Regarding these examples, it seems "as a result," is more appropriate ...
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Meaning of 〜ってどうあるものか

I do not understand this sentence: 「膝が折れたってどうあるものかと思った」. My guess is it means something like “I thought my knee was going to fracture or something like that.” But I’m not sure how to interpret 「...
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What does this mean in this context? このキャンプ場と言う名の森なら熊が出てもおかしくは無い。(A character is making BBQ on a camping site, inside a forest)

I do not quite understand his thought here, especially the 1st part. このキャンプ場と言う名の森なら熊が出てもおかしくは無い。 (My guess but not sure: "If this camping site is also called a forest, then I wouldn't be ...
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What does その辺でね /"sono hen de ne" means in this context ? (A conversation on airplane between 3 sisters,while they're travelling to Japan)

Context : 3 sisters are traveling to Japan .When the older sister saw her 2 little sisters are arguing with each other, she said this 「二人ともその辺でね。日本に着く前に疲れてしまうわよ」 I don't understand what does she means ...
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Meaning of チキチキツアー?

In a novel (published around 2009) a person suggests to search several abandoned buildings and this is how the other person responds: -- で? おれといっしょに廃墟を探検しようっていうチキチキツアーのお誘いか? I struggle to pinpoint ...
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Confusing sentence using ~わけではなく and other forms

Note: I already reviewed many topics here regarding the use of わけ, but I still struggle to properly translate the sentence below. It's from the introduction to the book 日本語文法ハンドブック (a book for ...
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What does わけでもなく mean here? [duplicate]

彼はおこりだすわけでもなく、彼女をじっと見ている。 He has been slapped. I've already read about わけでもない, but I can't make sense of it anyway, here. "Without getting angry" makes sense, but I would say おこりださないで or ...
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What is going on in 〜だしよう

The line comes from a short exchange in a game. The character is surprised seeing the protagonist walk into a practice room that he's been using, and later says the following: 今日はこれからみっちり、...
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人の物も in カードは人の物も使える

From Liar Game chapter 45, this guy got swindled to hand over money to enemy team and he explained why he did. 秋山が言ってたじゃないか、カードは人の物も使えるって I am not sure what「カードは人の物も使える」is supposed to mean. The fan ...
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What is the meaning of かまして here?

This is a sentence I stumbled upon in the novel All You Need Is Kill まあ、アレだ。作戦なんてテキトーかましてりゃいいんだ So what does かます means here? because the closest meaning I found has to do with delivering an attack ...
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What exactly do くれ and と mean in this sentence

I am reading the novel 『狐霊の檻』 by 廣嶋玲子. In the beginning the narrator describes a feast she had once taken part in. She says 好きなだけ飲んでくれと、庭に置かれた酒の大樽【おおだる】。 I think that the sentence means something ...
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Meaning of 憧れる: admiring vs wishing to be like someone

I'm finding several instances of 憧れる translate as "I wish I were like"; for example, in the first episode of 干物妹!うまるちゃん a character says to the main character 私 憧れちゃうよ, which is translated ...
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必殺技 scope of usage

必殺技 translates as "killer technique", but does this only apply to physical fighting or does it have a broader usage? For example, can I have a 必殺技 for making perfectly crispy roast potatoes? ...
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What does「やや巻きで進行中」mean?

What does「やや巻きで進行中」mean? "やや" literally means "slightly" and looking up "巻き" I keep getting "roll", which is probably not the intended meaning here. So by ...
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What does ~てくる mean here?

紅緒に歩みよってきた少尉は、かがんで手をさしのべた。 I don't understand what kind of ~てくる it is. Does it mean that he got closer to her more and more? Or does it mean that he got closer to me, here, like the author wants me ...
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Relevance of 音を上げない in this translation

So I stumbled upon this sentence while studying on Kanshudo: 彼はめったなことでは音を上げない。Kanshudo translates it as "He rarely gives in, confronted with difficulties." But I understand 音 to mean sound ...
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Understanding ほど in「人は本当に辛い事ほど言葉にしては言えないものだ」

From Liar Game chapter 29, Akiyama explains to Nao how she should not "believe" but doubt people (人は疑うべきだ) to understand them better. I am uncertain about the meaning of ほど in ...

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