Questions tagged [meaning]

意味. The meaning of words or phrases within certain contexts, especially when it does not seem to match the standard definition.

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3 votes
1 answer

Understanding the verb 諫める: broader than English "to admonish"?

This usage of いさめる is from a sentence in Hunter x Hunter, where two characters are together and one of them [A] senses an enemy from the shadows about to attack them. The other character [B] asks why ...
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1 answer

What does せいっ/セイッ mean?

While reading the comic 妖艶くのいち~濡れた花弁 (“Voluptuous Female Ninja: Wet Petals”), I came across the word “セイッ”. In volume 1, the female ninja Hasumi chases after a ninja who tried to assassinate her lord. ...
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1 answer

Difference between 織物, 生地 and 布

As the title says, what are the differences/usages of 織物, 生地 and 布? I can't figure out anything obvious from the Weblio definitions or from a Google image search. If you were to ask me the difference ...
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Meaning of うっかりを発動させる

I'm reading a manga where two girls are fighting in public while others are standing around making bets on who will win (I should also note the crowd is crudely referring to the women as 無乳 and 巨乳). ...
-1 votes
0 answers

IDoes the title of my novel, '花手病' (はなてびょう), effectively convey the desired symbolism and themes of the story? [closed]

Context: 花 in the context of the novel has several symbolisms, the theme of ephemerality goes well with flowers and the protagonist has a connection with flowers, 手 also has a meaning with the ...
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1 answer

Parsing of 置いてあったってしょうがない

Harry Potter is surprised to see that he has Christmas presents: 「ねぇ、これ見てくれる? プレゼントがある」 Hey look at this. There are presents. 「ほかに何があるっていうの。大根なんて置いてあったってしょうがないだろ?」 What else should be there? You ...
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Weird expression: 〇・一秒

I have found this phrase in a book: 余裕なんて本当に〇・一秒もない。 I understand the meaning of the sentence but I have never seen that 〇・thing ever before. I thought it could mean 0.1, so the whole thing would ...
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Meaning of 「口をきゅっと結ぶ」

So I've been reading the 薬屋の独り言 ranobe and came across this sentence: 「猫猫は口をきゅっと結ぶ。」 I can't quite figure out what it expresses in the context: either her unwillingness to talk, or the fear to do so. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can somebody explain to me what "Gekihan'ongakushu" means?

Google translate is no help and translates it as "easy to defeat", which doesn't seem right in any way. After much struggling, I was able to find out that part of it at least should refer to ...
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1 answer

What does 身の上 mean here?

From Oshi no ko ch. 145, This kid seems to be making a business arrangement on behalf of his agency. I am uncertain what he might mean by 子供の身の上. Perhaps, it is something like "while we are kids&...
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0 answers

What does the word 対応 actually mean? [closed]

I was wondering if someone could explain in what contexts to use this word. It can be translated as various things, so I'm a bit confused at to what it actually means.
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Meaning of おしで in this sentence [closed]

....あそこの警備は 見かけだおしで盗みやすかったぜ What does おしで mean here?
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Understanding 今回は出直すとする

From Quintessential Quintuplet ch. 5, Their study session appears to be cut short and he says「今回は出直すとする」. I have trouble piece together meanings of the words. I don't understand what 出直す might mean ...
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2 answers

the meaning of "のこと" in this sentence

Ohayou, please i wanted to understand the exact meaning of this definition-like sentence: 何か、機械とかに人間っぽいことをさせる、知能を持たせるみたいなまあ広い枠組みのことをAIと言って And because I found it difficult to really grasp the "...
7 votes
1 answer

What does 人の字 mean here?

From Shokugeki no souma ch. 199, I am not quite sure what 人の字 might mean. I assume he is saying that it is too early for her to deliver words of appreciation...?
0 votes
1 answer

How to understand この犬は何という名前ですか

The confusing point of this sentence is the part, 何という名前. Why is 名前 in the last position? Why is いう not 言う? I considered the following sentences. この犬は 何名前という ですか。 Looks it's wrong. この犬は 何名前 ですか。 I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Which part is ではない negating?

I recently read this Japanese sentence: 他の感情に比べて、そういう感情が特別のものとして取り上げて強いわけではない。 and was not sure which part does ではない negate. Does it negate 特別のものとして取り上げて, which means そういう感情が特別のものとして取り上げていない。...
2 votes
1 answer

What is the meaning of にならない in this sentence?

I came across the following sentence while watching the video "Japanese conversation with YUSUKE san YUYU NIHONGO (No1)", at the timestamp 16:05: それは大阪のおばあちゃんはのぞくにならない The context is the ...
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1 answer

Meaning and purpose of なくはある

In the sentence: この班の編成自体 よく分からなくはあるんだし What is the purpose of saying it like that instead of just「よく分からないし」?
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What is the meaning of とか in this sentence

ヒナさんとか一番乗りでしたね I'm having a difficult time translating this sentence, what exactly is the function of とか in this sentence? For context, Ichika and Hina comes to the aid of a person, and later Ichika ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Japanese readers/speakers, does the term Bishojo have a specific age range?

I was wondering this about the term Bishojo. So about the 美少女? , I was curious on some points. I read Fairy Tail and there is one character(Lucy) whose 17 at the start and time passes and when it ends ...
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2 answers

Can shonen 少年 ever be used to refer to young adults 20-21?

I was reading a manga and it uses this term to describe someone I believe was 20-21 There age isn't mentioned but since this word was used to describe them does it mean they are for sure not that age ...
3 votes
3 answers

is the use of 突っ込まないで considered rude?

ごめん。深く突っ込まないで In this context and in general, I wonder is the meaning more like "please don't be noisy and leave it", or "haha, it's nothing to worry about!"? The use of ごめん ...
4 votes
1 answer

the difference between いくら and たとえ with non-degreeable words

The difference between たとえ背が高くても… [even if you should be tall] いくら背が高くても… [no matter how tall you are] Seems obvious to me, but “いくら” is very often also used with words that are not degreeable such ...
3 votes
1 answer

interpretation of ひとの in ひとの布団

The English translation I have expresses this as "strange mattress", but it's not clear to me why. Is this ひと the same as 人? In the given context below, is it a short-hand way of saying &...
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1 answer

Secondary meaning of 飴細工?

One of the learning apps I'm using has this translated as "wheat gluten handiwork." Another app (and my online dictionary) translate this as "sugar sculpture." Given the meaning ...
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1 answer

が and けど at end of a sentence

I know that when in a sentence-final position が and けど can be used as softeners or to convey hedging, but in some situations understanding them as such doesn't feel right. Although my brain ...
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0 answers

Question about 何も [duplicate]

In the following sentence, what does なにも mean? まあ なにも隠し事があるのは 彼らだけではないからな
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1 answer

What does おんなし mean?

I came across this in a song called FoolFor日記 by Kaho Nakamura. A section of the song goes like this: 帰らんとってほしくて 変な顔やったかも ねぇ ねぇ ねぇ ねぇ 欲しい? 帰さないって言われたら 帰らへんよ もっかいおんなししよう
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1 answer

Differences between なんせ / なにせ / なにしろ / なんにせよ

I just recently posted a question about the meaning of なんせ, and was able to get a better sense of its meaning thanks to the response I received. In that same post, I learned that なんせ、なにせ、なにしろ、and ...
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1 answer


A: だが 今ある最高の戦力であることには違いない。 B: ああ、そりゃあ重々承知している。   なんせ今回も俺ら調査兵団の作戦は博打しかねえからな。 このやりとりで「なんせ」とはどういう意味で使われていますか?文脈としては、急遽差し迫った戦争に対し、Aが今の時点で集めることができた、最低限の最高の兵士と武器が選ばれていると述べています。 また、「なんせ」、「なにしろ」、および「なにせよ」...
1 vote
1 answer

Meaning of なんぞ in this sentence

I came across this sentence in ゼルダの伝説風のタクト: 世界広しと言えども 言葉を話す船なんぞというものは ここにいる私だけだからなぁ (Character is a talking boat) I know that なんぞ can be used in the same way as なんか, is that what it's doing here? ...
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1 answer

Question about いいよう

In the following sentence, I'm confused about the meaning of いいよう: 今だって、留守番が下っ端のニコだったから いいようなもの、他の連中だったら すぐに放り出されてるところだよ! The context is that ニコ, a pirate, gave away a valuable treasure that ...
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1 answer

what does どっかの神様だって岩戸から姿あらわすレベルだろ refer to here?

There's a hard conversation for me seems to be relating to some kind of Japan god mythology, hope somebody could help me understand them correctly, feel free to correct me. Context: Protagonist ...
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1 answer

Meaning of いれる in this sentence

In the sentence まずは、タウラ島に行って、探りをいれてみるか? What does いれて mean?
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Understanding the meaning of だからな in this line

I am currently playing the Japanese version of Octopath Traveler. In one scene in particular, there are two characters in prison; one of them (a kid named Therion) has just been hit by the guard and ...
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Question about 〜なら〜までだ

In a Japanese to English dictionary, I found this description for まで: (only when used in a sentence with the なら conditional prior to it) changes the sentence to become similar to using 〜たら Is this ...
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2 answers

What does ばかりで in "愉快な仲間ばかりで頼もしいぜ" mean

愉快な仲間ばかりで頼もしいぜ I can not understand the ばかりで in this sentence. Are ばかり and で stand together or both of them stand alone?
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Understanding このスマホ以外自宅

I was a playing a popular mobile game with someone. Unfortunately, he is unable to play with me today because of some urgent business matter: すみません、休日予定してたのですが出先で出勤依頼がありこのスマホ以外自宅です。 I don't get what ...
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What does 女子が好きな趣味の人 mean here?

This is an answer for a question from a 腐女子 about whether having their shipping changed ex a loves a female and b loves another is a source of annoyance or not this is the answer : ...
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How to understand 君だけ in this sentence?

I hear the sentence from the song『星のかがやきよ ZARD』 君だけは変わらないでいて欲しい I think there are 2 ways to interpret it: I only want you to remain unchanged. (The person whom I want to remain unchanged is only ...
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What is the meaning of アレ? [duplicate]

In the following sentence, what does アレ mean? 自分で言うのもアレですけど Is it the same as なん?
4 votes
3 answers

How does "xxxのオニ" equate to "xxx is bullying/picking on me"?

I was watching a cartoon that said something like: にいにいのオニ Chinese subtitles said 妮妮欺负我 I can only guess that オニ is the same as おに or 鬼 to which jedict says: noun ogre, demon ...
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2 answers

Understanding a sentence with a conjunctive form of an adjective, ため, 中, and ということになる

I understand this might be a bad question, but I'm trying to understand the following part of a sentence from the following question (or the following Wikipedia article): ...
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Can a young adult woman, who is 20, call themselves 乙女 or otome?

I saw this image: This character is at least 20 years old and they refer to themselves as otome. Is this correct or can one be called that?
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たら at the end of a compound sentence

I'm wondering if there's a sentence: AしてBしてCされたら would the meaning be: if A, B, C... or A, B, if C...
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2 answers

Whats the accurate meaning of this ごまかすin this sentence?

照れ臭くなるとすぐごまかす... これじゃわかんなぃよ She doesn't understand the person because when the person feels awkward she ...plays it off/trying to hide it?
21 votes
2 answers

I am struggling with the sometimes conflicting uses of 先

Rikaisama's definition of 先 includes meanings like previous; prior; former; some time ago. However it also includes meanings such as front; ahead; the future; destination. I am struggling to make ...
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3 answers

Difference between ながら and 一方で

What is the difference between ながら and 一方で? Example: 彼はアルバイトをしながら大学へ行きます。 and 彼はアルバイトをする一方で大学へ行きます。
2 votes
2 answers

Difference between このような and こんな

What is the difference between このような and こんな? How is their usage and different? How semantically are they different?

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