Questions tagged [future]

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16 votes
2 answers

Does the volitional form of a verb mean both "let's" and "I want to"?

I was taught ages ago that the volitional form of a verb means "let's" do something. For example, if you take 行{い}く and change it to 行{い}こう, you get "let's go". However, I feel like I can use the ...
Questioner's user avatar
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7 votes
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Future dates in the Japanese calendar

I was looking at the heisei wiki page and I wondered how you would refer to future dates in the japanese calendar? For example would 'The 2020 olympics' be '[平成]{へいせい}32[年]{ねん}のオリンピック'? Is there some ...
Totoro's user avatar
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1 answer

Using 〜てある as a future tense?

I've been taught that 〜てある is used to express that something has been done already in preparation for something, similar to 〜ておく (with a lot of nuance that I'm going to ignore here). However, just ...
charlieshades's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Using にしておいてやる to say "Let's pretend"?

今日のところは引き分けって事にしておいてやるっ! I saw this sentence in the dialect of a videogame between character A and B. B says this line after being defeated by A. I think B is saying that they should pretend this (...
Jon's user avatar
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Phrases indicating time in the future

I was taught to use 未来 and 将来 to reference the future but after actually interacting with native speakers I've noticed that these words are not often used. I'd like to know how to express the ...
Leo's user avatar
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〜なければ、〜がきっといる。Do the tenses agree?

I saw this sentence in a train advertisement for a job placement agency: いまとサヨナラしなければ、出会えないあなたがきっといる。 I don't sense a future tense at all in the independent (latter) clause because the verb is ...
Paul Richter's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

「う」 for future tense

So, I looked up in a dictionary that the suffix「う」can indicate will. So, could this possibly indicate future tense? If so, is there a special case?
Williem F.'s user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Future II Simple in Japanese

How can you express something like "Tomorrow I will have finished my work" or "Because I have to do hard word tomorrow, I will be very tired in the evening"? 明日、仕事を絶対終えたようとする。 ? 明日、にくい仕事があるから、...
sollniss's user avatar
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How to express regret about future events

My coworker and I are both learning Japanese and working in Japan. While texting with a friend in Japanese to figure out when they should meet, my coworker wondered how to express: "The closing ...
Vissen's user avatar
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2 answers

past / future -- "抜けたら" -- 「国境の長いトンネルを抜けると雪国であった」

Other uses of the particle と: トンネルを抜けると雪国であった 「国境の長いトンネルを抜けると雪国であった」 抜ける looks like present (but we know it's past) -- What is the usual explantion for this ? 「国境の長いトンネルを抜けたら雪国であった」 <--- Here ...
HizHa's user avatar
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How to say "a few years in the future" / "a few years from now"

I'd like to express the idea that maybe a few years from now things would work out better. But I can't figure out how that would be said in Japanese. I know that if it were past tense, it could be ...
Julian's user avatar
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How to ask about someone's opinion regarding the future?

I have a question. I wanna ask: "Do You think in the near future/from now on more people will be learning Japanese?". What is the best way to ask that? I have come up with two ideas: ...
Aleksandra Konieczna's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

相対テンス -- ①ハワイへ行く時、帽子を買う。 ②ハワイへ行く時、帽子を買った。 ③ハワイへ行った時、帽子を買う。 ④ハワイへ行った時、帽子を買った。 ハワイへ行く時、帽子を買う。  ハワイへ行く時、帽子を買った。  ハワイへ行った時、帽子を買う。 ハワイへ行った時、帽子を買った。 If I completely understand these, will I have undertood half of all the ...
HizHa's user avatar
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