Questions tagged [dictionary]

辞書. Questions regarding those resources, paper or digital, which typically list many words of a language in a specified order, along with usually a definitions or a close equivalent in another language. Many other specialized types of dictionary also exist.

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10 votes
1 answer

What does exactly does さま mean in dictionary definitions?

I've been using Japanese-Japanese dictionaries for a while now and this keeps popping up. It seems to me like a kind of usage that is found for the most part only in dictionaries. Can anyone help ...
zzz's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Nuances between the different kanji spellings of あける:明ける vs. 開ける vs. 空ける

開ける, 明ける and 空ける are all read as あける. From their kanji, it is obvious that 開ける has to do more with opening (a door etc), 明ける with dawning and 空ける with emptying... However, JMDict gives the exact ...
Dave's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is the meaning of ー・

Can someone tell me what the notation "ー・" means? It's all over this article: 大辞林「いう【言う・云う・謂う】」
Daphne's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Japanese dictionary for mathematics/computer science jargon [closed]

I study mathematics and computer science, and I'm starting to learn japanese. Could you suggest me dictionaries/sites/etc where I could learn terminology on these subjects?
Vicfred's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What does "sensitive" or "sens" mean?

For example, Jisho marks 医者 (doctor) as sensitive, as does the flashcard set I've been using. I don't understand what this annotation means; "doctor" doesn't seem like a particularly sensitive term to ...
Rose Kunkel's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a fundamental difference between homonyms with close meaning and words with multiple possible kanji?

I noticed that dictionaries usually treat differently some homonyms, which for a learner's perspective look similar. For example: 熱い and 暑い are usually two different entries 早い and 速い are usually one ...
Teleporting Goat's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

How would I know whether a word existed and was commonly used N years ago?

Suppose I'm writing a novel that takes place N years ago, say N = 80. Given the dramatic increase of loanwords in the past century, especially from English, what would be the best way (if there is any)...
Tommy's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Some Japanese dictionaries (e.g. 大辞林, 大辞泉, and 明鏡国語辞典) use this inverted triangle outline symbol (▽) for some kanji compounds. What does it mean?

It doesn't apply to all the words, just some. Here are examples of words from that are marked with that symbol 悪い (with reading にくい): 大辞泉; 大辞林 面倒くさい (with reading めんどくさい): 大辞泉; 大辞林 皆 (with reading ...
3 to 5 business days's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What would be the closest native Japanese word to エラー in the context of IT?

Is there a Japanese word alternative to エラー that can be used in the context of IT? If not, what would be the closest? 間違い、誤り、過ち... would any of this work or what would be the most suitable in this ...
Tommy's user avatar
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8 votes
8 answers

I am looking for an online Japanese dictionary with audio pronunciations [closed]

Does anyone know any online Japanese dictionary which provides audio reading?
6 votes
2 answers

Why are there multiple katakana readings for a single kanji?

When I look at a kanji word I see one, or multiple Hiragana pronunciations (or should I call it translation?) - sometimes the pronunciations are for different kanjis, but that's not the question. I'...
Danielson's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is the order of the full list of kana?

My question would be, if I were to pick up a Japanese dictionary, or had a project in which I needed to put several Japanese words (including hiragana, katakana, and kanji, with gojūon, dakuon, yōon, ...
Krissy Panczel's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Where can I find the nuance/meaning differences between words with different kanji options?

This question is related to the questions (here) and (here) regarding a word or verb with multiple kanji options, for example [作る、造る、創る] or [蔵、倉、庫] Is there a resource somewhere that will tell me ...
Judas's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

question about the use of に to mark location in this dictionary entry

2 related excepts from 月鏡 on に regarding location (Ⅰ)動作・作用の成立に深く関わる場所を表す。 ㋐存在の場所や所有する者を表す。「机の上に本がある」「母は部屋にいる」「この公園に砂場がない」「彼には子供が三人いる」「彼女には責任感が欠けている」 「?道ばたに犬が死ぬ」「?ベッドに男が眠る」のように、動詞だけでは「に」...
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