While trying to figure out the polite imperative form of 呼ぶ I figured the correct conjugation to be 呼んで下さい。I found instead that, colloquially, the imperative is 呼び出して下さい。 Am I correct in assuming that this is to distinguish between, 読んで and 呼んで in everyday speech?

  • 3
    I saw the title and thought you were asking about those kango compounds. As in your case, 呼んで is よんで{LHH} and 読んで is よんで{HLL} so there's no chance we could mix them up. Sep 12, 2015 at 4:12
  • Not to familiar with japanese enunciation just yet. I assume that the first case emphasizes よ while the second emphasizes んで? As for the OP, then 呼んで下さい is correct?
    – Chris
    Sep 12, 2015 at 4:16
  • 2
    See this post about notation. Japanese has pitch accent that high or low is meaningful. 呼んで itself doesn't have accent core, so さ should be the accent peak in 呼んで下さい. Sep 12, 2015 at 4:36

1 Answer 1


No. As 読んで and 呼んで have different accents in both standard Japanese and Kansai dialect.

呼ぶ and 呼び出す are...

  • 呼ぶ: call someone.
  • 呼び出す: call someone and ask him to come somewhere.

They are similar, sometimes same.

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