
日本語で質問を聞かせていただきますので、ご協力ください。 回答やコメントなどは、日本語か英語、どちらの言語でも喜んで読みます。




  • 3
    Could explain more clearly why you think there might be an influence from English? The word 安い is a very old one in Japanese and the meaning of "inexpensive" is at least 1000 years old too. I'm not sure I see what gap the English influence is supposed to fill.
    – Matt
    Aug 11, 2011 at 13:23
  • 1
    Matt: I believe that "you're cheap" means something like a cynical yet friendly "you're satisfied with so little" in English. I'm pretty sure I heard that a lot. Now, hearing literally the same expression in Japanese makes me curious about the origin of this expression. Is it a co-incidence, or an import?
    – Axioplase
    Aug 11, 2011 at 14:12
  • [[ その逆もありうるのですが .]]
    – istrasci
    Aug 11, 2011 at 14:24
  • 3
    @istrasci: Some people use ありえる, and I think that both ありうる (partly preserving classical Japanese grammar) and ありえる (adopting modern Japanese grammar) are accepted in modern Japanese. Aug 11, 2011 at 15:01
  • 2
    @istrasci: By general fluent speakers of Japanese. Daijisen (sense 5) is more careful than me, and states 特に5の終止形・連体形は「うる」を用いることが多い. Aug 11, 2011 at 18:12

5 Answers 5


I agree with Enno Shioji that the use of the expression あなた安いな for “You are so cheap (= You are so easily satisfied)” is uncommon in Japanese. I do not think that it has been used in Japanese for a long time. However, this usage definitely exists; we can see several webpages which contain this usage of 安い (I searched “安い人だ” in Google and chose suitable usages from the search results).

(The third example above may or may not be in the same category because it may be regarded as a metaphor which describes a person as a commercial product.)

It may be the case that this usage of 安い was derived from the usual meaning “costing little” of the word 安い by the metaphor, independently of English, just in the same way as the English word “cheap” acquired its “easily satisfied” meaning. Or it may be the case that the expression in Japanese originates from the literal translation of the English expression “You are cheap.” I do not know how to tell which is true.

安い has a different but perhaps related usage: Daijisen (sense 2) lists the meaning “insignificant” with an example 安く見られる (considered insignificant, underestimated), and Daijirin has a separate entry for 安く見られる. My impression is that 安く見られたものだ (literally “I am considered insignificant”) is a common expression in Japanese to express dissatisfaction or anger of the speaker. This is similar to your example in that 安い is used to describe a person, but different because your example does not mean “You are insignificant.”





  • 意味は「単純」があっていると思いますが、ホラー映画の作成金額とは関係ない。「ピザすらあれば一緒にどこにも行ってあげる」とか言う人に対しても使えるような気がする表現なのです。
    – Axioplase
    Aug 11, 2011 at 10:54
  • 1
    I would not interpret 安い in the question as “簡単に入り込んでしまう、信じてしまう、騙されやすい.” I interpret あなた安いな as “You are easily satisfied,” and the low budget of horror movies is a factor that contributes to “easily.” The same explanation applies to ピザさえ (すら is inappropriate here) あれば一緒にどこにも行ってあげる人. Note that ピザ is easy to get, and therefore this person is easily satisfied. Aug 11, 2011 at 16:54



だから、僕が「あなた安いな〜」を英語に翻訳したら、"You're easy to please"、になると思う。略して、"You're easy"も大丈夫だと思う。

  • 「どう英訳するか」って質問ではなくて「英語でも日本語でも「安い」を使うことは偶然か?」って質問ですよ。(英語では"you're (so) cheap"って言うよね?)
    – Axioplase
    Aug 11, 2011 at 10:48
  • うん、でも翻訳したら、違いが明解になると思う。英語で"You're cheap"と日本語で「安いな」の意味はかなり違う。僕にとって、"You're cheap"はすごく侮辱的な。
    – Questioner
    Aug 11, 2011 at 14:33

「あなた安いね」っていう表現はあまり聞いたことないですね。ひょっとすると聞きまちがいかも知れません。「分かりやすい」ならしっくりきますが、これを「やすい」と略することはないと思います。ちなみに、この時のやすいは安いではなくて「易い」です。 もし「分かりやすい」の聞き間違いだったとすれば、ここでは「あなたの考え方や趣味が予測し易い」という意味になり、転じて「趣味のレベルが低い」というニュアンスも持ち得ます。


  • 聞き間違いではありません。面白いと思ってたのでそれを言ったとすぐ確認して、それが言えると肯定されました。英語ど「you're so cheap」という意味で言いたようです。海外滞在経験のない三十代の「普通な」日本人の女の人だったので、どのコミュだろうか僕には分かりません。
    – Axioplase
    Aug 11, 2011 at 14:08


  • ありそうな表現だと思いますか?または聞いたことがありますか?
    – Axioplase
    Aug 18, 2011 at 9:15
  • 少なくとも現代文学(マンガニメを含む)においてはよく聞く表現です。
    – syockit
    Aug 19, 2011 at 19:06

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