It is a situation when a worker noticed that one of his colleagues is working all day and all night without taking a rest. He then said the following:


Then his hard-working colleague said this:



  1. Is the sentence 「それじゃ...」 a question or just an opinion or something else? could it always be a question if it contains the word 「いくつ」?
  2. What does the word 「あってもたりゃ」 mean?

1 Answer 1

  1. Is the sentence それじゃ... a question or just an opinion or something else? could it always be a question if it contains the word いくつ?

It is a statement, not a question.

Whether or not 「いくつ」 makes the sentence a question depends on the other words used (and the sentence structure).

「いくつからだがあっても」 here means "no matter how many bodies you've got"

  1. What does the word 「あってもたりゃ」mean?

「あってもたりゃしねえ」(Kanto tough guy speech)

=「あっても[足]{た}りはしない」(Dictionary form of above)


= "will never be enough" 「足りる」 means "to be satisfactory in quantity"

The first sentence means:

"That way (← "If you work like that"), no matter how many bodies you've got, it won't be enough!"


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