Does using the imperative form (i.e., よこす → よこせ) before と言う mean "[He] said I have/had to..."?

I saw this sentence used: シートが砂で汚れたから、クリーニング代よこせと言いました!

I think this sentence basically means: Because I dirtied the seat with sand, [the taxi driver] said I had to pay the cleaning cost!

So, can using the imperative form of a verb mean "...said I had to..."?

And, if that is true, then could I make the following sentences?

  • 行けと言う:says I have to go
  • 野菜を食べろと言った:said I have to eat vegetables



1 Answer 1


It's a simple imperative plus quoting particle. A basic "he told me to pay for the cleaning," or "tell me to go" or "told me to eat," essentially the same thing as what you offered as translations. It's a form of direct quotation and this doesn't really constitute a special case.

  • @yobisute, make sure you click the checkmark of the answer to show you've accepted this answer!
    – ardent
    Jun 20, 2013 at 18:42
  • Linguistically, I believe this is called an indirect command. Apr 29, 2014 at 21:16

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