I have the following sentence to translate.


So far I have the following.

Parents and teachers "do something" better with children's education and they want the 
children to think. 

I am having trouble understanding which つく verb is being used.

And I also am not sure who has the desire in the sentence. I think it's the parents and teachers as they have the subject marker. But then the いただきたい is weird because of the honorifics. Did the subject of the sentence change?

  • Did you realize that について is a fixed expression?
    – Earthliŋ
    May 12, 2014 at 0:13
  • Nope, I didn't. I assumed it was the て form of a verb acting upon 教育 with the に May 12, 2014 at 0:14

4 Answers 4


について is a fixed expression meaning "regarding, concerning, ..." (here "about" also works) and derives from 就く or 付く, although it is usually written in かな.

  • Could you address how the honorifics comes into play as well? May 12, 2014 at 15:49

もらいたい・いただきたい's usage is waving these days. It originally takes dative に for the marker of the agent, but people have started to use nominative as well, as a result, the situation is being more or less confusing. i.e. 父母や教師達には…考えていただきたいものだ → 父母や教師達は…考えていただきたいものだ


From a grammatical point of view I think it could be rephrased as:


-私は = I = the subject for 考えていただきたい
-父母や教師たちに = for parents and teachers = the subject for 考える
-もっとよく = more seriously <--- modifies 考える.
-子どもの教育について = about children's education <--- modifies 考える.
-考えていただきたい* = the humble form of 考えてもらいたい = (I) want (someone) to think. >> I want parents and teachers to think (more seriously about...).
-ものだ >> goo辞書#5-㋑ emphasis 

*いただく is the humble form ([謙譲語]{けんじょうご}) of もらう.


(This is supplementary to Chocolate's answer.)

If you put everything together then we get:

I would like parents and teachers to think much more about their childrens' education.

Note that:

  • いただきたい makes the sentence from the viewpoint of the writer.

  • Parents and teachers are the topic (marked by は): that is to say, the focus of the speaker/writers utterance.

  • ものだ indicates the sincerity or importance the writer places on the statement.

  • Plus a typo in いただいた... Also, I think this is coursework/homework, so personally I prefer to leave explicit answers to the asker.
    – Earthliŋ
    May 13, 2014 at 12:46
  • @Earthliŋ : 1) what is missing 2) Not sure I understand your preference, unless it is principle about plagiarism. I think the translation makes all the difference to the pupil's understanding. The OP is 27 so I assume she knows how to behave responsibly.
    – Tim
    May 13, 2014 at 13:24
  • 1) snailboat corrected your typos. 2) If she's been given a homework problem, then I just think that doing it 100% for her will be interfering with her course.
    – Earthliŋ
    May 13, 2014 at 13:39

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